See that up there?
That pink and purple castle, that’s what I’ll be doing tonight and most of tomorrow morning.
That’s the cake that Princess wants for her birthday party on Saturday.
Say a prayer for me and my sanity please.

Know what Princess will be doing while I’m slaving over mixing bowls full of icing and pastry tips? She’ll be at the salon getting pink streaks put in her hair.
Yes, I am the coolest mom ever thankyouverymuch

Oh what? I haven’t mentioned that she’ll be FIVE on Tuesday? FIVE, F-I-V-E, Cinco, 5, my first born, my daughter will be Five. How the hell did that happen?

So BeBe and Grandpa will be arriving later today and I’ll spend today dusting, mopping, scrubbing and hiding things putting the finishing touches on my super clean home. *snort*

  • Today is the last day to enter to win an amazing cookbook over on Blissfully Delish, what are you waiting for?
  • My darling friend and fellow Texan, Holly, is donating all of her ad revenue and matching the amount earned to her favorite food charity. See that little plate graphic up there? Yes, that one. Click on it and go over and help her earn money to help feed the less fortunate.

So there you have it. Why you will not see me this weekend. There will be baking, birthday parties, pink hair and general insanity… and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Y’all be good and don’t forget to go check out Holly.



  1. That cake is darling! You’ll be able to pull it off well, I just know it. But man – are they ever a ton of work!

  2. That cake is adorable she will love it! After my daughter and hubby bought me a gorgeous diamond engagement ring from for my birthday, I made my daughter a dora the explorer cake.

    It took me all day to do but when you see the smile on their faces its totally worth it!

  3. I have no doubt whatsoever that you will do an amazing job on the cake. I cannot wait to see pictures. Happy Birthday to your princess!

  4. Happy Birthday to your first born. I will have a meltdown when my youngest turns 5 this coming June! My middle baby turns 6 this December. It is just not fair how fast they grow up. Let’s not even talk about my first born turning 11 last month.

    Can’t wait to see photos!! Have fun!

  5. Happy Birthday to your Princess!!! I hope the weekend partying is awesome! 5 is a big deal around here – my son is only 3 and all he can talk about is how he can’t wait to turn 5 and go to kin-DIN-gardun. LOL

  6. Happy birthday to your princess. OhPrincess2 turned 5 this past summer. If you find out how this happened…let me know. OhPrincess1 will be 10(ten) this summer. If boys start showing up at the house…please get my bail fund ready 🙂

  7. Happy early Birthday to your baby girl..

    I cannot wait to see the pictures from the party..

    Here is to fairies coming to help you.. 🙂 xoxoox

  8. You rock.. and Princess should remember that! 🙂

    My boys? The ones who know I don’t bake? Always ask if they can go pick out their cake at the store now, please. 😉

    And kudos for allowing the pink streaks. I let my oldest dye his hair completely blue one year. And then he went swimming. *sigh* All gone in less than two weeks.

  9. I had to scroll down quickly because I was afraid Maddie would see that cake and expect me to make it for her birthday. Why don’t you just make it for me? Her birthday is in January.

    Happy birthday to your princess. I’m sure it will be a great day!

  10. Happy Birthday, Princess. I hope mom can come to grips with her new age soon? And, I’m still bummed you won’t be able to make it next week.

  11. Ive been thinking about you and the work that you are putting into that cake all day long.

    I hope you take many pictures. And don;t forget to take pictures of her hair!

  12. Oh I can’t wait to see pics of that cake! So cute. And thanks for the pilgrim link, you are too good to me! Have a nice weekend.

  13. Wow. You are ambitious. If I tried to make that cake it would turn out a mess – not to mention be a disappointment to my children since they are boys….lol

  14. The cake is adorable…I wish I would have known you were going to do a castle…my lil princess had a castle one last year…was pretty easy. But anyhoo…I know you will have loads of fun. I cant wait to hear how everything went and def. can not wait to see her hair!

    Happy Birthday to your little Princess!

  15. (*SMACK to the forehead* OOPS! Who’s a big dumb ape? This guy!)

    Wish I could be there like you wouldn’t believe. Give her all of my love for me!

  16. You ARE cool for letting her do that. And why not, I say? It’s just HAIR, right? It grows back. I say do what you want with it!

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