
We women love our Ta Ta’s don’t we. Our husband’s may love them a bit more than we do at times, but let’s be real. I know that my Ta Ta’s are a large part of who I am. When they’re well supported and back at least in the general area of where they were pre-children, I feel good. Granted they’ve gone from being 36 perky C’s/D’s to 36 longs thanks to two kids and 30 months of breastfeeding, but hey… they’re my Bewbs and I’ll talk about them if I want to.

My Ta Ta’s, My Rack, My Breasts, My Girls, The Twins, The Bewbs, The Fun Bags, The Milk Fountains… call them what you will, they’re mine, they’re precious and I want to protect them at all cost. That’s why this month, I’m blogging for Breast Cancer.

My adorable, wonderful, darling, soon to be Mother In Law, Debbie, is a breast cancer survivor. This month I am blogging for her, and for Kim’s mom, and for all the other past, present and future heroes who have battled, are battling or will be battling breast cancer.

I am donating all of my Ad Revenue for the month of October to Breast Cancer Research. I would love to have a wonderful check to send and prove that one mommy blogger can make a difference. Help me do this.

Here are a few resources, links and reading materials about Breast Cancer.

Want to protect your precious Ta Tas? Click this link and get some potentially Bewb and life saving information.

Honestly, this is not just an excuse to post another picture of my super sexy rack. Its’ to remind y’all to get over to the Save The Ta Ta’s
sight and shop for a cure. Get yourself a super hot tank like this or any number of kids, women’s and men’s items.
A few of my friends and I have the Save The Ta Ta’s magnets on our cars and my husband refers to us as the Ta Ta Club.

Kim is a wonderful blogging friend of mine and I respect her immensely. Over the past 9 months or so of reading her daily posts and seeing her pictures I have come to realize that she is a special woman.
After reading her mother’s guest post today, I see where Kim gets her strength of character, sharp humor and beautiful soul.
Kim’s mother is a breast cancer survivor, read her moving post here.

The Breast Cancer Site

The Breast Cancer Site funds free mammograms for women.
Every click goes towards a free mammogram! CLICK CLICK CLICK! This month every click counts double! Go click crazy! Come on, you know you want to. Exercise those fingers!

God Bless Clinique.
I have finally found face lotion heaven with them, and trust me, I have looked high and low and tried them all.
Almost all of you know about Clinique’s Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion, well this month they have a special edition of that lotion. It supports breast cancer research! Buy it and $10 of your purchase goes towards breast cancer research, plus you get 2 great key chains. Hello, awesome skin and supporting a good cause. Can you think of a good reason not to buy it?
My mom has been slathering it on for as long as I can remember and she has gorgeous skin. ’nuff said.

Do you know some Breast Cancer Links? Research Sources? Survivor Stories?
I plan on doing another round up or two of info and linky love, share anything you have, write about my mission on your own site and grab a button, link back up and help me to help Save The Ta Ta’s.

Don’t forget, all of October’s Ad Revenue is going towards Breast Cancer Research because Racks Rock. So come back and click click!



  1. You Rock, sweetie!!

    And since we're sharing (What? we weren't sharing?? Oops!) mine are called Betty & Veronica

  2. I wish I could run over and hug you.. thank you for the wonderful compliments..

    I cannot even begin to tell you how my Mom was so overwhelmed with your comments and others on the post today.. Thank you for doing all you do for Breast Cancer Research..and I bet for SURE you will make a difference.. You do in my life.. and I bet the check you send for the research will too..


  3. You are an amazing woman. You know, I’ve really only gotten to know you through Plurk, but thank heavens for that. Your spirit shines through here. I tell ya, I should have linked to some sort of breast cancer thing with the blog I posted on Wednesday, I have a ginormous pic of my rack there! well, it was for my shirt details, but STILL. Love what you’re doing, you are so generous. Kisses.

  4. This is wonderful. Until this year, I’ve never personally known anyone with breast cancer and within a month of each other my MIL and another dear friend each came down with it. I’ve watched their lives change so dramatically. They’ve each lost a boob, lost their hair and yet both are just full of beauty and strength. Thank you!!

  5. Super awesome!! You get ad revenue? I thought that was a mythical blogging tall tale? Hurray that you are donating it to a great cause!

  6. Here’s another great purchase you can make to help support breast cancer research — Lean Cuisine is offering their 2008 designer insulated lunch bags for $9.95 (that price includes shipping) and $5 of that purchase goes to Susan G. Komen. I bought a couple for Christmas teacher gifts. Here’s the link:

  7. You are my hero for doing this!

    And I love that tank top. I think I’m going to get one and start my own Ta Ta Club up here.

  8. You are a rock star! You are doing some very good things here darlin’! I hope it comes back to you tenfold.

  9. let’s face it, they are special enTITies… like works of art, to be appreciated…

    Seriously, I know so many ladies who have been affected by breast cancer, and a very dear friend right now has a fast-growing form that is inoperable, since it is on the chest wall, too near her heart…

    I made a post (You Give Me Hope) a few days ago for her, my wife, and for others suffering…

    J/ (

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