If you’re someone who knows me in real life; or you follow me on Instagram Facebook, or Twitter  you hear/see me posting about, advocating, and attempting to live by example, the mantra – Be The Good.  I’m not perfect; I’ve fallen hard, but I always get back up, and I credit that to incredible examples of strength and kindness.  Nathan and I strive to live our lives by the motto “be the good”  we try to model that for our friends, our kids, their friends, and the people we come across daily

 Thank you  Wendy’s for sponsoring today’s conversation 

That’s one of the reasons that I’m so excited to be partnering with Wendy’s this year.  The people at Wendy’s truly believe in, and live for being the good, doing good, and giving back.  One of the many ways they exemplify this is with their Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption,®

Be The Good  

You have the power to fill hearts with love through Wendy’s® #Share4Adoption campaign. The next time you and your family visits a Wendy’s restaurant, you can help children in foster care find their forever families. All you have to do is share your hearts! Wendy’s will serve drinks in specially designed cups featuring a hand making half a heart. For each customer who completes the heart with their hand and posts a photo of the full heart to social media with #Share4Adoption, Wendy’s will pledge a $5 donation to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption,®* proving that sharing truly is caring.  As a child of adoption himself, Dave made it a pillar of the organization, and gave it a national platform by creating the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption in 1992. Wendy’s partnership with the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption ensures that Dave’s legacy is forever honored and his great work will continue on, helping kids all across the country.Wendy's Sharing is Caring #ShareForAdoption Cup

Wendy’s will donate up to $500,000 to support the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption’s efforts to find permanent, loving homes for the more than 100,000 children waiting in foster care in the United States. 

They’ve made it so easy to help out, too.

1. Complete the heart picture with your hand

wendy's complete the heart donation cup


2. Snap a picture



3. Share it on Social Media using #Share4Adoption to spread the word!

You can do this multiple times between now and Halloween.  Help them get to that $500,000 quickly!  

I’d love to see your shares when you do it, so tag me @sthrnfairytale along with your #Share4Adoption in your post!!  See how creative you can get!  Get your friends, teammates, kids, grandkids, significant other and go have a date with Wendy’s!  I recommend the Spicy Chicken Sandwich with the fries and a frosty.  Monkey’s favorite is the 4 for 4 with the Junior Bacon Cheeseburger, Nuggets, Fries, and a jr chocolate frosty, Princess likes the Double with mustard and pickles only, fries, and a vanilla frosty, Nathan… Nathan likes them all.  His current favorite is the Baconator — more on that next week.  

For each original public #Share4Adoption post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram made through 10/31/2016, $5 will be donated to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, up to a maximum of $500,000.


Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Wendy’s. All opinions expressed are my own. Sponsored posts help me pay for the costs associated with this blog (like the groceries…so very many groceries,y’all), and help support me as I follow my dreams of recipe development and food photography. All opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the brands and companies that support A Southern Fairytale.





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