I bank with Bank of America and have pretty much my entire adult life.

I have always been very pleased with their customer service and rates and blah blah blah..

Why should you care?

Because today, I clicked on the Susan G Komen page and saw this:

Susan G. Komen for the Cure | Partners & Sponsors | Bank of America_1254283400520

  • For each new Susan G. Komen for the Cure branded credit card account opened and used, Komen receives a minimum of $3, and a minimum of 20 cents for every $100 you make in purchases with the card. Komen also receives $1 for each annual renewal of the card
  • For each new checking account and/or debit card opened, Komen will receive $2 and an additional $1 on each annual anniversary of the account opening. Komen will also receive 10 cents for every $100 you
    make in purchases with the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® branded debit card.

It honestly made me proud and you better believe that I clicked a link.

Want to find out more? Here’s the link.

image from the Susan G Komen partners page

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