It’s Secret Recipe Club time again!

This month I was assigned to a blog with the intriguing name; The Haggis and The Herring.  Dan and Meredith are a lovely couple who started their blog as a wedding website; a way to share their lives, food, and wedding preparations with family and friends.  After the wedding, they decided to keep up with the website and turn it’s now a delicious and intriguing website full of friends and family tested recipes.  From their website header:

Tasty recipes tested in our kitchen – drawing from flavours around the world including our English, European, Mediterranean and South-Asian food experiences

I had a great time browsing their recipes and I have several bookmarked to try later.

For this month’s Secret Recipe Club challenge, I decided to try their Balsamic Coleslaw recipe.

This recipe intrigued me for a couple of reasons; the first is that Nathan and I both have an aversion to traditional coleslaw, the second is that I have this deep, powerful dislike for goopy mayonnaise laden dishes and I vividly remember making coleslaw for different restaurants that I worked at and the sheer amounts of mayonnaise and sugar simply made my skin crawl.

I shudder even now just thinking about it!

This coleslaw features balsamic vinegar, white wine vinegar, dijon, spicy mustard, fresh cracked pepper and a few other delightful ingredients.

Balsamic Vinaigrette Coleslaw

balsamic vinegar coleslow

Even the preparation of this coleslaw is unique! This recipe calls for heating the ingredients to dissolve the sugar {yay for non-crunchy, grainy, sugary coleslaw!}

Most of y’all know me and y’all know that I’m pretty much incapable of leaving a recipe alone.. here’s the recipe from The Haggis and The Herring, what follows is my adaptation.

Mix 1/4 C white wine vinegar, 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar, 1/4 C sugar (honestly, I think this might be optional – your call), 1 Tbsp olive oil, 1 Tbsp spicy mustard, 1/4 tsp salt ( I used Himalayan Pink Salt) and 1 tsp fresh cracked black pepper.

sugar and cabbage

Heat in a small saucepan over medium heat, stirring frequently until it reaches a gentle rolling boil and the sugar dissolves.

Let the mixture cool and then pour over your coleslaw veggies — I used 1 (16 oz) bag of pre-made coleslaw mix and 1 (12 oz) bag of rainbow salad mix {I love the crunch this adds}.

cabbage and ingredients

You can serve immediately, but I recommend letting it sit in the fridge chilling and allowing the flavors to fully absorb and marry.

This is absolutely delicious served with Pulled Pork or Grilled Chicken.

coleslaw and bbq


Secret Recipe Club



    1. Jill, that’s because this linky is only for the Secret Recipe Club and is handled by the ladies who run it!
      This post was pre-scheduled 🙂 MWM is now up, it was delayed because my laptop charger got broken this weekend and I had to get one working before I could get the MWM post up 🙂 Thank you for being such a wonderful weekly participant! 😉

  1. Your version looks excellent!

    Re: the sugar – the recipes I researched used WAY more sugar than that. at least twice as much. I couldn’t even think of doing that. I found that the 1/2 cup isn’t bad, but you’re right, it could probably be cut back even more *(maybe 1/4 cup?), especially with the sweeter balsamic in there.

    The pulled pork you served with it looks absolutely delicious as well.


    1. Hi Dan! Thanks 😉

      I know, I gag at the amount of sugar that most slaw recipes use {shudder}

      I think you’re definitely right, with the sweeter balsamic, 1/4 could be perfect.

      Thank you for taking the time to come say HI!

      The pulled pork is always a big hit!

  2. I love the idea of using balsamic vinegar in the coleslaw and warming the ingredients up. I will have to try this for the next pot luck!

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