Baked Potato Skins with Salmon

This recipe is my first entry into the 2K10 Tastemaker Challenge.  Myself and 8 other amazingly talented and fun bloggers have been chosen to compete in a unique and fun recipe, cook-off challenge.  For the months of Oct, Nov. and Dec we will receive a secret ingredient (this month was seafood) or theme and we’ll have to create an original fun potato recipe with that theme or ingredient, videotape it, produce it and upload it to YouTube and y’all vote on it!!!  (HINT HINT)  At the end of it all… they’re sending ALL NINE of us to the BlissDom Conference in Nashville in February and we’ll have a live cook-off there and a cocktail party afterwards where the winner will be announced!!!

My creation for this month had me a little worried because I wasn’t sure how the flavors and textures would work together but it was a truly Tonguegasmic success.  Nathan gave it TWO thumbs up and asked that I make them again.. SOON!

These fun appetizers are EASY EASY EASY and the blending of flavors, salty, savory, creamy and textures, crispy, crunchy, creamy and cool.. I cannot say enough about them!

You can watch the recipe in action at my fun, music filled video (psssssssttt.. the stars below are for ranking/voting.. if you would be so kind)  It’s only about 2 1/2 minutes long and it shows step by step how to make these.

Watch the recipe live here

Baked Potato Skins with Salmon and Creamy Dill Sauce

Print Recipe


  • 1/2 pound 1 fillet of salmon (I use fresh and cooked it with a squeeze of lemon and drizzle of olive oil
  • 10 medium gold potatoes
  • 3/4 C sour cream
  • 1 Tbsp Dill Weed
  • 1 lemon


  • Wash the potatoes and then rub them with a mixture of kosher/sea salt and olive oil. Bake them for about 1 hour at 400 F or until they give a little when squeezed
  • While the potatoes are cooking; mix the sour cream, dill and lemon together well. Put in the refrigerator to chill.
  • Cook your salmon.
  • When the potatoes have cooled enough to touch, cut them in half and scoop out most of the insides (save these.) Cut in half again to make wedges, brush the skin with olive oil and cook for another 10 to 12 minutes or until they’re nice and crispy.
  • Slather a bit of your dill sauce on the inside of the wedge, top with salmon, sprinkle with a bit more dill and serve. These are CRAZY yummy!!!!
Author: Rachel



You can watch all the Tastemaker Videos Here on the Potato Goodness’ YouTube Channel (under Favorites)

Playing along with Mouthwatering Monday? Here’s the dish: Sign the MckLinky with your recipe URL and your name. Leave a comment saying Hi, what you think of this recipe… anything. Make sure you visit the other linked up participants and sharing in the food love and make sure you link back to this post in your post so that others can find us and share in the love, too!


YES, I received a gift card to pay for my recipe ingredients and they sent me a nifty little video camera to tape my recipe with. As always… like saran wrap baby… transparent as saran wrap


      1. Will it make you feel even bteetr about it if I tell you I got gas yesterday for 2.19? Yep southern Oregon means more expensive than even California…at least right now.

  1. Your potato recipe looks delicious -I’ll go back and vote now for you
    .-= Vickie´s last blog ..Pumpkin Cake Roll =-.

  2. mmmm, i love baked potatoes (jacket potatoes as they call it here in ye ole england) they are easy to prepare and any filling could be used (cheese, baked beans, sardines, left over stew). when laziness to prepare pack lunch strikes, i just bring a potato with me to work and pop it in the microwave oven and pour baked beans on it.
    .-= how to bake a potato´s last blog ..Hello world! =-.

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