
Welcome to the SIXTH post of the Saving Second Base project!

Author: Amanda Tumpak

My mom always tried to get me interested in cooking when I was growing up. I never really had an interest in it. I thought I had plenty of time to learn, but when I met my husband-to-be it became a big interest of mine. Now it is not uncommon for me to call my mom with some cooking question or other every few weeks. I know she doesn’t mind!

My mom loves the holidays. She loves decorating her house for them, and she loves creating holiday-themed cheese-balls and desserts. She always puts out a big spread of food and one of the staples at every family get-together is baked potato salad. It is a delicious blend of potatoes, cheese and mayonnaise with a delightful little crunch from celery and onion. It is simply a must for all of our holiday meals. I hope someday I can do as good of a job entertaining as my mom does!

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was in the sixth grade. My parents sheltered me a great deal from it so I didn’t really understand just how serious it is. As I got older, I always wished I would have known more about it so that I could have been there to support her. She has been in remission for 16 years now and I thank God for saving her. I can’t imagine what my life would have been like without her. She is an amazing, giving, loving, strong woman and I am so proud that she is my mom.

Baked Potato Salad

  • 6 – 8  Cooked Potatoes – Diced
  • 1 Cup Celery – Diced
  • 1 Medium Onion – Chopped
  • 1 LB. Velveeta – Cubed
  • 1 Cup Mayo

Preheat oven to 350. Spray a 13×9 baking dish with cooking spray. Mix all items together and transfer to dish. Bake uncovered for 45 minutes or until cheese is bubbly and slightly browned.

Amanda is a wife and stay-at-home mom to two little girls with an interest in cooking and dance and she’s a big coffee enthusiast! You can find out more about her and her family at

Want to know how you can help? or be a part of this project?

    • Tricia and I have created a facebook page: Saving Second Base Please “like” us and help spread the word!
    • We’re on TWITTER!!! @Savng2ndBase (i know it’s missing an i but someone already HAS saving2ndbase and isn’t using it :-{ ) Follow us and spread the word!
    • Post our buttonPhotobucket
    • Send us your story and recipe: one that reminds you of/celebrates someone who has fought with, is living with, is kicking cancer’s ass, has lost the fight…. send a story, a recipe, a blurb with recipe, a memory with recipe, a tribute with recipe… and pictures.. a picture of the person.. a picture of the recipe (preferably both) but either works. Please send this to: and we’ll send you the release to sign and love you forever and ever and ever 😉
    • We’re going to post at least one recipe and story every. single. day in October on A Southern Fairytale and on Once A Month Mom and then we’ll compile all the stories and recipes into an e-book that can be purchased and EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY cent will be donated to the Susan G Komen Foundation. (Tricia and I are not taking a single solitary cent for any of this)
    • Tweet with #saving2ndbase

Let’s help kick cancer’s ass and save those ta ta’s!

One Comment

  1. Was so happy to read that your Mom has been in remission for 16 years! Very nice post and a beautiful picture of the two of you.

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