Monkey starts school in TWO WEEKS!  It’s his first ever five day a week, full time pre school!!

Princess starts two weeks after him.


We have backpacks filled to the brim with new school supplies, new lunchboxes labeled and ready to be swung in eager little hands; crisp new clothes hanging in closets and brand new shoes lined up and ready for eager little feet to fill them and walk towards the future.

Along with new books, new clothes and days filled with *readin’, writin’ and ‘rithmatic* comes the flurry of new activities, afternoons filled with the sounds of homework and stories of new friends and teachers; and the inevitable question of “What’s for dinner?”

Here’s where I get to help out!

I’m excited to announce that for the 2nd year in a row, I’m partnering with HEB and ConAgra Foods for a Back to School Meal Maker Challenge!

I, along with 7 other bloggers, will be posting delicious and easy Back to School Meal Ideas every Monday for 4 weeks.

There’s a twist this year, though!

  • Every week there is a  secret ingredient that must be used.
  • The meals must have 10 ingredients or less, be made in 45 minutes and feed a family of 4.

This year, y’all will vote every week on your favorite recipes and on August 25th, the top 2 bloggers will be notified and on August 28th, they’ll meet up for a live cook-off challenge at a San Antonio HEB where Food Network Celebrity Chef and an ‘old friend of mine’ , George Duran, will be in attendance for moral support and tips!!!!!

So you can follow along, vote for your favorites and by the end, have about 32 delicious and quick back to school meals, the other bloggers are:

I had so much fun participating in this program last year and I hope that y’all will enjoy this, too!

As a thank you, ConAgra and HEB have given us each 4 goodie packs to give away over the course of the program, too!  So make sure to stay tuned!!!!!

For my participation in this program, I have been provided with some products, access to special deals and promotions and compensated me for my time and creativity.  All opinions, recipes, thoughts are 100% my own.

You can vote once daily and I would love to win because I love being in front of people and I have a blast doing these live cook-offs, but I’m not going to spam y’all constantly with vote requests.  If I win, I win, I’ll be at the cook-off either way 😉

ConAgra HEB Meal Maker Challenge Vote for Me Logo - Final (2)





  1. Sounds like fun! I like the idea of the 10 ingredients or less, so hopefully you don’t have to spend the time saved on cooking on shopping for a bunch of obscure ingredients. Been there, done that. Best wishes! Can’t wait to see what you dish up.

  2. Speaking of back-to-school, have you heard of Class Wish? It is a nonprofit site where parents, teachers, and communities easily unite to provide the classroom resources our children need. Find out more at

  3. Why do the summers fly by so quickly? I can hear in your written words how excited you are for your little monkey to start school, as he must be as well. Here’s to a great year for the little fellow and his big sister.

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