Thanks to the fabulous people at Team Mom

Monkey, Princess and I were given the opportunity to review some really cool toys.
Solange Knowles and her father, Matthew, have created the first ever line of Hip Hop & rhythm inspired Pre-School toys appropriately called, Baby Jamz. They are geared at ages 18 mos. and up, which is perfect for our household.
We were given the Baby Jamz Jammin’ Microphone and the Nursery Rhymes Volume 1 CD.

Princess and Monkey both love, I mean L-O-V-E, love the microphone. It plays really hip instrumental versions of quite a few nursery rhymes like ‘Old MacDonald’ and ‘Bingo’ . They have had an absolute blast playing with this microphone over the last week and a half. The sound quality is great, they can change the tempo of the song with just a button and they can record their own voice and play it back. The quality of the recorded voice is a bit distorted, but they could care less.
Here is princess singing her version of ‘Bingo’ aka Texas, accompanied by her Baby Jamz Jammin’ Microphone


The Nursery Rhymes Volume 1 CD is quite easily the catchiest, least obnoxious, most fun Nursery Rhymes CD I have ever heard. I would buy this for my own kids, and will be buying it for gifts for my friends’ kids.
You can go to the Baby Jamz website to preview the CD, download the lyrics and check out the rest of this unique and wonderful line of toys. The toys are sold exclusively at Wal-Mart.

Because I love my readers so much, and I am so truly excited about this new line of toys, that I think you will all love. I am going to give one of my readers the Baby Jamz Nursery Rhymes Volume 1 CD.
Are you jumping for joy? You should be. All you have to do is leave a comment here. Want two entries? Go to the Baby Jamz website and then come back here and tell me what you think their best toy is, or what you find the most interesting about this line of toys. Wait, it gets better… write your own post about this giveaway and link back to me, leave me a comment about it and get a THIRD entry into this giveaway. Yes, I am that wonderful.
This contest is open from today, Sunday, March 16th through Saturday, March 22nd. Good Luck!


  1. How CUTE is she?

    “There is a state that we love best?” OMG…. I will never be able to sing BINGO without thinking of your daughter now!


  2. Those sound great! I know one young man that would love, love, love a singing microphone. A little too much, I think.

  3. Microphones are ALWAYS big winners with kids. I know all about that!

    I’m glad you enjoyed the “homer” footnote on my post!

  4. I really think my Johnny Cash lovin’ daughter NEEDS a microphone!

    So cute! How do you get on a list to do reviews for people?

  5. Why can’t my state have a cool song. Oh, yeah W-A-S-H-I-N-G-T-O-N…

    Thanks for the video and cool review. My daughters would L-O-V-E it!!

  6. OMG! That was so cute! Thanks for the smile πŸ™‚ Superb spelling BTW πŸ˜‰

    This product looks like a blast for kids!

  7. Ooh, enter me enter me. I think the CD would be my fave ’cause I’m trying to steer us away from toys with batteries, but if we embrace batteries I think the Dance Mat is good ’cause it’s like DDR but you don’t need a gaming system.


  8. Very cool! I still love to hold a microphone to this day and Karaoke my heart out! LOL

    P.S. You have some bloggy love over at my place waiting for you!

  9. ooohh… I come over to catch up on your blog & bonus! Giveaway! πŸ™‚

    I always liked the mixmaster chair, but after seeing your Princess jam out with her own Texas Bingo song, I gotta go with the microphone! Supercute!

  10. That is so cute!! I think the shape sorter is great. I love the songs it plays. I also posted on my blog about you. I love giveaways!!

  11. What a fun giveaway contest! Their site is adorable. The “Mixmaster
    Music Chair” sounds fantastic to me. I had a little wooden rocker when I was young. It had a music box on the bottom of one rocker. Every time I would rock in that chair, the music would play. I still have my rocker! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi

  12. That is an adorable video – are we Texans proud or what!?! She is adorable, Rachel – adorable!! I’m going to be singing that song now until I go to bed – that’s okay!

    Have a good Tuesday – see ya – Kellan

  13. oh I love her rendition of bingo! Too cute!

    ….you don’t have to enter me in the contest since I have my own CD already!

  14. boy i love to win this for my little one she realy loves music and well this would realy make her day if you where to pick me or sould i say my day?

  15. Thanks for visiting and for the variation to my chx salad recipe! I will try it and see what the family thinks! Your kids are precious!

    I think my girls would LOVE this microphone! They sing all the time!

  16. How adorable!! Love the video πŸ™‚ Your blog is so cute, I love the way you honor your children. I am new to the blogging world and want to blog with more moms!! My blog is called “I Overcooked My Family”. I would love to hear from you…and I can’t wait for more songs!!

  17. I’m jumping, i’m jumping… i can hop on one foot too… anything to win this.. lol.. we’re a military family, and we road trip ALOT, and we’re always on the hunt for some wholesome tunes… have you heard what’s on the radio these days… lol.. never noticed till i became a mom… πŸ™‚

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