Quick, delicious, Avocado, Beet, and Carrot Salad Wraps.  These Boats, Tacos, Wraps, what have you, come together in less than 10 minutes, and they’re so delicious!  Perfect for hot summer days. Thank you to the California Avocado Commission for sponsoring this post.


beet, carrot, and avocado salad tacos | A Southern Fairytale

Nathan and I recently did The Plan, and one of the things that came out of that, other than us both losing weight, and feeling better; is I discovered that I like beets.  Believe me when I tell y’all that nobody was more surprised than me.  I don’t know if my palate just wasn’t up to beet level when I’ve had them previously, or if I just didn’t have them the right way.  Who knows!  

avocado, beet, and carrot salad wraps |  A Southern Fairytale

Fresh, bright, delicious flavors; these wraps come together in under 1o minutes, and that’s what this summer is all about – quick, delicious, light recipes that come together easily and satisfy.  Perfect for lazing by the pool, or chilling in the hammock with a good book.

6 ingredients, y’all.  6 delicious, fresh, easy to keep on hand ingredients, and less than 10 minutes and you can have these Avocado, Beet, Carrot Salad wraps ready to eat.

carrot and beet salad wrap ingredients

Nathan is my meat and potatoes man, a Southern Boy at heart, and winning him over to the veggie side – the RAW veggie side with recipes like this one is HUGE deal.

avocados ready for carrots and beets on a southern fairytale  

Nathan eats these when I make them as long as I have a bottle of sriracha on hand for him 😉  This is the man who grows ghost peppers and jalapenos, y’all.  If you’re a spicy food lover, top your wrap with some sriracha and enjoy the brilliant pairing of the cool creaminess from the avocado, the sweetness of the beets and carrots, and the crunch from the sunflower seeds topped with the tongue tickling heat from the sriracha. 

avocado, beet, and carrot salad wraps with sriracha

I’m taking the ingredients for these, and my new favorite avocado, blueberry, pear smoothies to the Frio with us for our 15th anniversary.  <<< that recipe coming soon!

Avocado, Beet, and Carrot Salad Wraps

These wraps are delicious and come together in less than 10 minutes. With avocados, carrots, beets, and sunflower seeds they're a textural delight!
Print Recipe
Prep Time:10 minutes
Total Time:10 minutes


  • 1 medium ripe California Avocado, rough chopped
  • 1 carrot grated
  • 1 beet peeled and grated
  • 2 Tbsp sunflower seeds
  • 3 butter lettuce leaves or baby romaine leaves
  • 1 lime
  • *optional
  • Sriracha


  • Lay out the butter lettuce leaves
  • Top with chopped avocado, grated carrot, grated beets, and a squeeze of lime juice
  • Top with sriracha if you like a little heat
Servings: 3
Author: Rachel - A Southern Fairytale


Disclosure: This recipe was created and inspired by my partnership with the California Avocado Commission. I’m excited to be partnering with California Avocados for the 4th year in a row to share recipes and tips inspired by delicious California Avocados.  For more great recipes visit theCalifornia Avocado Commission website and follow them on Facebook and Twitter. 




    1. Ha, Matt! I feel ya! That’s another reason they’re coming on our trip with us… lots of bbq will be happening, definitely need something like this. Have a delicious week!

    1. Thank you! I am finding myself now trying to find an excuse to use beets in lots of things just because they’re so pretty, and surprisingly sweet 🙂

    1. I was adamantly anti-beets, until this was suggested to me.. the combination of the shredded beets, carrots, avocado.. yum. I think the beet recipes I’ve had prior to this were so heavily beet, without a tempered, complementary flavor, that I couldn’t get past it. I’m so glad that I’ve discovered this combo, and I can’t wait for more! Have a delicious week, thank you for taking time to comment!

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