Saving 2nd Base

Saving 2nd Base

In case you haven’t heard yet, the wonderful Tricia, from Once A Month Mom and I are collaborating on a project for October, which is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. The past two years, I’ve hosted Blogging for Boobs, where people have donated items for giveaways, I donated all my ad revenue, hosted a donation…

Four Years

Four Years

It’s a mere blip and an eternity. Four years ago, right now.. 11:04 PM September 19th, 2006 I was flirting with sleep. We admitted ourselves (me) to the L&D unit to be induced. Pitocin on board, I sent your dad to Wendy’s because I was starvin’ and that sounded sooo good.  (silly me, I assumed…

Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

Staples (click here for the story) Little Miss Muffet’s Nemesis Monkey’s Custom Birthday Cake (made by a friend) to match his Tiny Prints Invitation Between the fireplace vs head experience and Monkey’s birthday party today, I’m wiped. I took more pics from his birthday with the lens of awesomeness that I rented from The Lens…

Saving Second Base

Saving Second Base

I love Lotus. I have mentioned this many. many. many times. I think  that the impossible has happened. Someone check and see if Hell has frozen over because honestly, I didn’t think I could adore Lotus more, and yet now,  I do. Look what she has created for the Saving Second Base Project: I love…

Back to School

Back to School

I love school. I love back to school. Both as a child and now as a parent, school holds beautiful memories and the promise of hope and possibilities. My mom was an elementary school teacher so I have a unique insiders perspective because I grew up inside the schools.  From mid August to early June…

Saving Second Base

Saving Second Base

The past two Octobers I’ve hosted a monthly posting of stories and letters from people who’ve been affected by Breast Cancer called Blogging For Boobs (I highly recommend clicking that and reading through the posts, they’re simply amazing) I was sitting thinking about how to make my 3rd year of Blogging for Boobs even better,…

Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

My favorite shot from a 6 month session Tropical Storm Hermine and my Back Yard When Life Hands You a Tropical Storm, Jump Gettin’ Cheesy With It The inspirational and amazing woman who’ll be at my house and in my city in two weeks hosts the weekly winners fabulousness. Go visit her, now.