What a Wednesday

What a Wednesday

Today, this little boy, my 5 year old Monkey, is having root canals and other preventative dental work. I could go on and on and on about how this makes me feel like I’ve failed my son in some way, like I’m less of a parent…. but I won’t. I will ask that you pray…

Friday Fun

Friday Fun

Just a little fun from my two favorite boys. We’re on the road today headed towards my brother’s wedding!!!  He’s getting married at the Waco Zoo tomorrow.  I’m SO excited!   What Friday Fun do y’all have to share?  I’d love to hear it. and don’t forget about Deanna’s Food Foto Friday

When I Grow Up

When I Grow Up

“Rachel, I don’t want you to grow up” – Granny, to a young me my response “Why Granny, Won’t you love me when I’m bigger?” I don’t know how old I was at the time of that conversation, and I don’t remember her response to me, but now that I have my own children –…