Hot Dog Pizza-Dillas

For the HEB Meal Maker Challenge Week 2, the featured ingredient was Hebrew National Hot Dogs. When I think Hot Dogs, I think homemade corn dogs, barbecues, summer and grilling. However, I wanted to do something unique, fun, surprising… delicious. When I told my family about this recipe… they collectively turned up their noses. Seriously,…


Italian Nachos

iPhone only photos in a dark kitchen in the evening, I promise to make and photograph these nachos when I get back from Oregon next week! Have you heard of Italian Nachos? I’ve seen them mentioned on restaurant menus before, but I’m a Texan.. and to me, Nachos are crisp deep fried tortilla chips smothered…

Five S’more Recipes for National S’mores Day
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Five S’more Recipes for National S’mores Day

August 10th is National S’mores Day   That’s right, there’s a day dedicated to celebrating the delicious marriage of graham crackers, chocolate and ooey gooey toasted marshmallows. This day deserves multiple moments of silence. In honor of National S’mores Day, I thought I’d share a few delicious and brilliant S’mores recipes with y’all.    …

Those Moments

Those Moments

  You know the ones. Those moments when you see your child and you’re thunderstruck by the person they’re becoming? I was watching Princess walk on an island with her Daddy yesterday and she took my breath away, she’s no longer a little girl.. she’s becoming a young lady and I just don’t know that…

One Code = One Meal

One Code from one of your favorite products, something already in your pantry, can help provide one meal to a child in need. Sounds so easy, doesn’t it? Well, it is… just that easy. How easy you ask? Let me show you. The last time that I went shopping for the ingredients for my Healthier…