I Love Them

I Love Them

Every day of my children’s lives I’ve told them that I love them. I love their fearlessness and the way the jump headfirst into whatever life sends their way   I love their silliness and boundless enthusiasm and joy I love how Princess gets lost in books and in her artwork and journaling, yet just…

Monday Monday

Monday Monday

I can’t believe it’s Monday again! I know I’ve been a bit absent and that the Mouthwatering Mondays have been few and far between. I’m sorry, y’all. We spent the past two weeks out of town with Nathan’s Gran. She has Cancer and they called the family in on the 8th sure that was her…

Who Me?

This is the face of a little boy that snuck in and started eating the cornbread I was photographing when my back was turned… It’s really hard to get mad at that face.

12 Months of Recipes

12 Months of Recipes

It’s the last day of 2012, which means that I of course, must do the obligatory round up post.   2012 has been a year filled with fun and amazing guest posters, delicious new recipes, revamped old recipes and since it’s then last day of the year – I present y’all with the cheaters version,…