Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners is the brainchild of the fantastic Sarcastic Mom aka Lotus. I love looking at her pictures and at Secret Agent Mama’s, it was at SAM’s fabulous blog that I saw Weekly Winners for the first time and now I am wholeheartedly and enthusiastically jumping on this bandwagon! The reason for so few pictures…

It’s not you..

It’s not you..

It’s me. No, I’m not breaking up with you. Sheesh! Insecure much? What? You notice something different about my page today?In an effort to make my page all purty and Christmasy… Yes, I know… I should have learned with the reindeer fiasco. Hah! Little do you know me and my southern redheaded stubbornness!!!So, back to…

Manic Monday

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAiwrWUSJ3Q&rel=1] I was a Bangles Fanatic, and I’m not talking bracelets. I mean really. I Walked Like an Egyptian in my acid washed jordache jeans and lace two colored layered socks, my mile high bangs, and my knotted t-shirts. Come on Bangle lovers, this will just make you smile, grin and bop. Wish my camera…

Round John Who?

Round John Who?

Silent Night, Silly Night After hearing the Christmas story and singing “Silent Night,” a Sunday School Class in Sao Paulo, Brazil was asked to draw what they thought the Nativity Scene might have looked like…. One little fellow did a good likeness of Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus, but off to the side was…

Kitchen Sink Cookies

Kitchen Sink Cookies

You’ve heard the phrase..Everything but the kitchen sink… well, that’s these cookies.These are hands down, the best cookies I’ve ever put in my mouth, and that is saying a *ahem* mouthful. So Chef Princess and I geared up today for the kick off to our holiday baking by making our kitchen sink cookies.   So,…