The time has come…

The time has come…

“The time has come,” the Walrus said,“To talk of many things:Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax–Of cabbages–and kings–And why the sea is boiling hot–And whether pigs have wings.” ~ Lewis Caroll, 1872 Okay, so it’s not that time.But because I am not raising the next Billy Ray Cyrus And I can do this, and he looks cute,…

They Call Him The Streak

They Call Him The Streak

No, seriously.Monkey is a full fledged streaking exhibitionist.He is also totally anti diaper. He has perfected not only the strip, flip and roll (similar to stop drop and roll, but one saves lives and the other annoys moms) technique of diaper removal featured below. He has also fully mastered the strip off all clothing and…

Fri Ku Day

Fri Ku Day

More haiku poetry can be found at the fabulous Mommystory’s blog or the wonderful Jennifer’s blog Photoshop secretsI want to learn everythingCropping, Coloring NapWarden learned themFussy, the photoshop queensoon that will be me Colors I will changePictures shall be my playgroundYour tricks I will learn What is a haiku you query? The answer can be…

The Double T.

The Double T.

It’s Thursday Thirteen #4 for me and #126 for them I’m jumping on the proverbial New Year’s bandwagon and here are my 13 things I’m going to try to do/accomplish in 2008. 13. Only two of these per day. Shut up about aspertame and it being bad for you blah blah blah. I love them,…

Happy New Year.

I wish for each of you: Peace, Happiness, Love, Wisdom, Family, Laughter, Knowledge, Faith, Fun, Humor, Humility, Compassion, Kindness, Friendship, Hope and Understanding. I wish the best for each of you.Many blessings of laughter and love and happiness and health. I hope that 2008 is a year of fulfilled dreams, beauty, love and laughter. God…

Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

December 23 – December 29 Her: I’m so cuteHim: I will figure this contraption out! He fell asleep waiting for me to get home from the store Thank you hubby for snapping the picture!! Even our food had the Christmas Spirit What do you need fixed? Snap the picture quick Mom! He won’t sit still…

Haiku Friday

Haiku Friday

Sickness reigns supremegerms running wild through this houseear infections, strep Pink Eye, bronchitishusband can’t see, son can’t breathedaughter can’t swallow Breathing treatments, dropsswallow this, drops here, drops theremedicines galore Mommy is healthyCan’t get sick, must stay healthyno kisses, just hugs When will they be well?Please let it be very soonMommy needs some sleep ** This…