This is DQ Country

The other day I was driving from Houston to Dallas, a most UN-inspiring stretch of road if ever there was one, listening to the sounds of Dora mesmerizing Knute in the backseat. At mile marker 203 on I-45 north I glanced at the batwatch. It was just after noon. This was, without a doubt synchronized…

Weekly Winners
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Weekly Winners

It’s a Boy Eat Dog Food World Riding Bare Back She Has The Cheapest Fairy Godmother, Ever.*alternate title: Never a Pumpkin Around When You Need One Share your favorite photos of the week and view other’s by going to visit the supremely adorable and talented Lotus. I leave tomorrow for Vegas and I will not…

Bright Lights, Late Nights

Bright Lights, Late Nights

Have I mentioned yet?No, I know that I haven’t.I’m leaving Monday. No kids, No husband.Just two friends and an airplane.Texas to Vegas Part of me is scared.Another part excited.Don’t know what to do. She inspires me.A single mother of two.Getting her Degree. I am leaving y’allin very capable hands.3 superb women. Classy OhMommyThe Amazing June…



Princess amazes me. She is funny, smart, spunky, obnoxious, beautiful, energetic, compassionate, and vibrant. This week Princess was ‘reading’ a magazine and turns to me all excited: “Mom! Look, an impostrophe” I’ll be damned if there wasn’t an ‘apostrophe’ in one of the words. How on earth does my 4 1/2 year old know not…

What the holy hell?

What the holy hell?

Conversation held 15 minutes ago in my living room. Me: “Nathan, Princess says she has a bug in her ear Nathan: …. giving me crazy look Me: She said she thinks there’s something in her ear and it’s probably a bug like the neighbor guy had Nathan: … more of a crazy disturbed look Me:…