I Am The Swamp Thing

I Am The Swamp Thing

Or at least I feel like the Swamp Thing. Phenergren and Nyquil rule my days and nights. I spent all day yesterday trying not to move because moving = vomiting.Phenergren helped that. Nyquil knocked me out for the night and today I am still hungover. It’s amazing that 4 Nyquil barely touch my husband and…

Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights

The lights of the stadium were bright, but the joy in the eyes of my two little ones far outshone those lights. Princess did a fantastic job of cheering at halftime and capturing the hearts of the ‘coachleaders’, as she calls them. Monkey. Well, let’s just say that I definitely see ‘FOOBALL!’ in our future….

Monkey Tongue

Monkey Tongue

No, I’m not talking recipes either. I’m talking Monkey, as in my 2 year old. The climbing, running, hyper-never-stops-moving-has-to-be-kept-in-crib-by-a-crib-tent kind of Monkey. Yesterday while I was cleaning house I heard a thud. Followed by a scream Followed by a louder, much louder, blood curdling, bone chilling holycrapi’mreallyhurt kind of heart stopping scream. I dropped the…