Racks Rock.

Racks Rock.

In my husband’s opinion, that rack up there Rocks the most for many reasons but mainly, because it’s mine and I let him fondle it at will. * I think my rack rocks because those bewbs up there have nursed two children for over a year apiece and that is a treasure beyond words for…

Links for Pink, Raggedy Kids and The Boobnanza
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Links for Pink, Raggedy Kids and The Boobnanza

Raggedy Princess and Raggedy Monkey*************************************************************************************** Don’t forget about the ongoing Boobnanza! There are lots of great prizes and it’s clicking for a cause! Here are a few less Boob filled posts for your viewing pleasure:* Lemons and Road Etiquette, Nov 2007* Secret Engines, Nov 2007* In Your Hands, Dec 2007 * They Call Him The…

A Giveaway Boob-nanza

A Giveaway Boob-nanza

That’s right. It’s a boobtastic giveaway. It’s all about the Bewbs, Ta Tas, the Rack, The Glamorous Mammaries, The Mam Twins, The Girls, The Lovelies, you know… So as y’all may know I have those ads over there, you know… …..>>>> those. I don’t make much off them. A pittance every couple of months to…

Notes From a Garage Sale

Notes From a Garage Sale

We interrupt the regularly scheduled Mouthwatering Monday to bring you some notes from a Garage Sale. Dear Garage Sale attendees: * It is considered rude, tacky and unbelievably obnoxious to ring a person’s doorbell at 8PM two nights before the actual sale to ask for a preview. * It is tasteless, obnoxious and terribly inconsiderate…

Sh*t Torts and Courcans

Sh*t Torts and Courcans

We haven’t had any Southern Tidbits in a while, so I thought I’d share a few from the past week. ***************************************************************************************Monkey comes running into the room: Monkey: “Sh*t, Torts*” Me: “Yes, those are your shirt and shorts, do you want to get dressed?”************************************************************************************* Princess: “Mom, can I call you a moron?” Me: …************************************************************************************* I’m painting…