Just Like Daddy

Just Like Daddy

” I’ve Been Watching You Dad…. I Wanna Do Everything You Do” One of my favorite songs is “Watching You” by Rodney Atkins, it’s a fun, sweet song and it rings so so true. Our children see everything we do and they want to do everything we do. Our children, especially when they’re young are…

Monkey’s Up to No Good

Monkey’s Up to No Good

Such a cute little face, right?  That cute face, is his biggest weapon of mass deception. He, is a devious toddler genius. Our latest escapade: Monkey: “Mom, I be right back. You stay here” This is said to me as he’s pushing a chair across the house into the foyer. Me: “Monkey, what are you…

I am FAILmom

I am FAILmom

So tonight I was ironing Nate’s clothes. Did you just pick yourself up off the floor? Because, ya, if you know anything about me, you know I DON’T iron.  But, I love my hubby and I have a new Mac and a new iphone and stargazer lilies. So pick your jaw up off the floor,…

Fridays are Fabulous

It’s Friday and not only is today the last day of the fabulous Shopping Spree Giveaway that I’m hosting with Marinka, OhMommy and ScaryMommy but it is also the first day of BlissDom09!! So while y’all are reading this, I’m workin’ it at the registration table and meeting fabulous ladies and all that good stuff!…