Do you know what happens when you have a full bottle of 2X concentrated tide, a full load of clothes and an unattended 2 year old Monkey?

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that this is what happens:

washing machine 2

It takes you TWELVE cycles to get all the soap out of the clothes.



  1. Sorry, Rachel, but I’m seriously LOL here!! That’s just too funny! Mostly because I’ve been there and done the loads of laundry myself! LOL

  2. Those will have to be the cleanest load of clothes ever! LOL ๐Ÿ™‚
    .-= AlyGatr´s last blog ..Attack of the Strange Products…Take Two =-.

  3. Eek! At least the detergent went in the washing machine instead of on the floor! My 3 year old brother once spilled an entire bottle of detergent on himself and the kitchen floor and my dad had a heck of a time trying to walk across the floor (if I remember right, he slipped and fell a few times), pick my slippery brother up and get him in the bath and rinsed off!

  4. OK, now. You’re starting to get the picture. I’d much rather have detergent in the washing maching than Karo syrup in the dryer. Surely you remember that episode. At least the clothes will be REALLY clean.

  5. omg that happened to me when i was babysitting only it was the dishwasher .
    i spent 3 hours cleaning up bubbles praying that when her mom got home i would not be killed. i managed to get it all cleaned before she came home and was thanked for cleaning the floors and counters ……….. i kind of ran home and prayed she did not open the dishwasher.

  6. If I had a spare front loader hanging around, I’d ship it to you hon! That is too funny…only because it didn’t happen to me. ๐Ÿ™‚
    .-= Carrie´s last blog ..Smoke on the Water (And Fire in my Ears) =-.

  7. Oh SNAP! I was going to say what Janet said. Cause DAY-UM but it cleans the floors really well…

  8. At least the clothes are making it into the washer– my laundry room has clothes everywhere but inside the thing that makes them clean ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is why I could never have children. I was laughing so hard I almost spat my tea on my laptop. (sorry to laugh, but it is hilarious).
    I hope you have a better weekend!

  10. OMG – totally LOL, missed that on Twitter, and now freaking that someday babyboy will do that to me, he’s the biggest monkey of my group and I could definitely see him trying it!

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