So are you? Drooling yet? I am.

Thanks to the fabulously generous people at Best Buy the wonderful Susan and Janice over at 5 Minutes for Mom are running a contest to win this insanely cool MP3 player. What’s so cool about this MP3 player you ask? Well let me enlighten you: The Insignia® – Pilot 4GB Video MP3 Player with Bluetooth Technology is on sale at Best Buy for $109.99 and includes these features and more:

* Plays music, videos and photos
* Built-in Bluetooth wireless audio
* Built-in FM RDS tuner (shows Song and Artist)
* 2.4″ wide viewing angle display
* Easy set-up, CD ripping and audio/video synch with included software
* and more…

Now, just envision it. You bopping along on the elliptical at the gym, or walking on your local hike and bike trail, grooving to your favorite music and being the hippest person there. Or at the gym/football game/gymnastics match (whatever), all the other parents and teens oohing and ahhhing over your fabulous new toy. Seriously, this would make that next trip to the grocery store so much more fun. Not only will you be oblivious to all the obnoxious noises around you, but you will have the coolest MP3 player and maybe, just maybe even your kids will think you’re ‘hawt’ with your awesome new toy. Seriously, just picture it.

So… Jump on over there and enter this contest. If you haven’t yet discovered 5 Minutes for Mom; well what rock have you been living under? It’s a fantastic site full of advice, reviews, links to other parenting blogs, contest and chock full of other parenting goodness! Get over there and check them out!!


  1. I like prizes. Haven’t been to THAT site yet. Feels like I have been everywhere else this weekend. Im going to check it out!

  2. What a serious kind of prize! I’d never figure out how to work the technical piece of equipment. Drat my incompetency.

  3. Ahem, I happen to love the rock I live under, lil’ missy! ;o) I don’t usually enter contests but this one catches my fancy. Still, the site sounds interesting so I will follow your suggestion. Have a great week!!!

  4. What is an elliptical…better yet…what is a gym?

    (I am being sarcastic if you can’t tell) 🙂

    The Egel Nest

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