
Welcome to the Thirtheenth post of the Saving Second Base project!

Today’s contributor is my friend, Nic

In 1986 my aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and in 1991 she lost her battle. She was 51 years old.

my aunt

I still remember my aunt so vividly. Her beautiful hand writing on recipes my mom still uses. Watching her standing behind the counter of her doughnut and pastries shop while my mom painted a mural on the wall. How she sat next to me assembling the Hello Kitty miniature doll house she bought for me. Her incredible hospitality and generosity.

Since it is National Breast Caner Awareness Month and I just turned thirtysomething I will be getting my baseline mammogram this week. In honor of my aunt, I would like to share with you one of her favorite recipes:

by Edith Valle Ruzich


  • 3/4 cup Pillsbury Soft as silk enriched cake flour bleached
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/3 cup butter or margerine
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. vanilla
  • 2 eggs (separated)
  • 1/4 cup milk

1. Preheat oven 420°.

2. Sift all dry ingredients together (flour, salt, and baking powder).

3. Cream butter or margarine, sugar and vanilla until soft and light colored.

4. Beat in the egg yolks and slowly fold in the dry ingredients and milk.

5. Beat egg whites until they are fluffy and stiff then fold it into the mixture immediately.

6. Line muffin pan and fill each muffin cup half way.

7. Bake in pre-heated oven for 12-15 minutes. Makes 8-10 muffins.

My aunt preferred them on their own, but you can frost them with your favorite icing if desired.

NOTE: If you don’t have any Soft as Silk cake flour then you can simply add for 1/4 cup of corn starch.

Nic is the Red Lotus Mama. Stay-at-work-mom of a 5 year old pricess. She writes about co-parenting, long distance relationships, health, her puppy Chloe, and life in general. She loves taking pictures and drinking wine. You can also find her on Twitter and Facebook

Want to know how you can help? or be a part of this project?

  • Tricia and I have created a facebook page: Saving Second Base Please “like” us and help spread the word!
  • We’re on TWITTER!!! @Savng2ndBase (i know it’s missing an i but someone already HAS saving2ndbase and isn’t using it :-{ ) Follow us and spread the word!
  • Post our button


  • Send us your story and recipe: one that reminds you of/celebrates someone who has fought with, is living with, is kicking cancer’s ass, has lost the fight…. send a story, a recipe, a blurb with recipe, a memory with recipe, a tribute with recipe… and pictures.. a picture of the person.. a picture of the recipe (preferably both) but either works. Please send this to: and we’ll send you the release to sign and love you forever and ever and ever 😉
  • We’re going to post at least one recipe and story every. single. day in October on A Southern Fairytale and on Once A Month Mom and then we’ll compile all the stories and recipes into an e-book that can be purchased and EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY cent will be donated to the Susan G Komen Foundation. (Tricia and I are not taking a single solitary cent for any of this)
  • Tweet with #saving2ndbase
  • Let’s help kick cancer’s ass and save those ta ta’s!

    And remember y’all… Save a Life, Grope Your Wife 🙂


  1. Your Aunt sounded like a beautiful lady and I’m sure she would be very proud of her niece for this post and for the great job she does preserving her memory. The cupcakes look wonderful.

Talk to me!

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