almost pasta carbonara

This recipe came from my Kraft Two Week Dinner Planner, but the recipe that I’m going to share with y’all is my own take on it. If you want the original, then you can download your own two week dinner planner here

Almost Pasta Carbonara

  • 1/2 lb medium size pasta, I use multi-colored farfalle because it’s festive and I like pretty food.
  • 5 oz cream cheese, cubed
  • 1 C mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/2 C Grated Parmesan Cheese (yes, the one in the green shaker)
  • 3/4 C milk
  • dash red pepper
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 C frozen peas
  • 6 slices bacon (BurghBaby, It is ALMOST vegetarian.  The bacon can be optional)
  • Fresh Parmesan Cheese for topping
  1. Cook pasta as directed on package.
  2. While the pasta is cooking, cook bacon in a skillet until it’s nice and crisp.  Remove the bacon, leaving the drippings in the pan, and set the bacon aside.
  3. Add all ingredients to the skillet with the drippings and cook on low heat until the sauce is thoroughly melted and simmering nicely.
  4. Toss the sauce and the pasta together, top with freshly grated parmesan cheese and chopped bacon.

If you’re joining in the MWM fun, Thank You!  Post your recipe, link back to here so that others can find us, snag your Tonguegasmic button and make sure that you say Hi here and visit the other MWM participants!


  1. Looks yummy! I have to make this for the Sugar Babies this week. I’ve lost any imagination on the menu planning lately.
    .-= Sugar Jones´s last blog ..Jones Family Camping Trip: Part 1 =-.

    1. Well 😉 I love Bacon too, but My adorable Michelle of BurghBaby has challenged me to create a yummy vegetarian dish and I told her that I would. This isn’t it.. but it’s close to one 😉

    1. I’m gettin there 😉 I am a Southern Fried Girl 😉 Removing meat is akin to goin’ to church without make-up… heh.

      I will do a completely vegetarian recipe just for you. Fromise (as Monkey says)

  2. BACON! That is all I have to say.

    No, wait.



    I just killed the intended effect of this comment. Stop using more than one ingredient that I love. Thanks.
    .-= BusyDad´s last blog ..Toy Stories =-.

    1. Well, I could have added fresh red peppers, steak, RSS and other things that you drool over, but that would have ruined the effect.
      Make this 😉 Gorgeous wife and Fury will thank you, trust me 😉
      Roasted garlic… awesome addition, too.

  3. Just posted about your site. love it. i am always needing new recipes to try. I am an absolute disaster in the kitchen. You are my new inspiration.

    Thanks for such a great blog. Glad I stumbled upon you.
    .-= onepinkfish´s last blog ..I Got an Award? =-.

    1. You’re so sweet! I’m glad that you stumbled over here too! Let me know if you have any questions or need any hints 🙂 I’ll do what I can.

  4. That is literally one of the worst looking plates of food i’ve seen and that recipe, that is nowhere near actual Carbonara which is not difficult to make.

    Please, title your “food” accurately.

    1. Good thing she titled it, “ALMOST Pasta Carbonara.”

      Are you sure you’re An Actual Cook? Because I think cooks need to be able to read to follow recipes.

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