I have not abandoned my blog or all my wonderful readers and friends. I am posting this from my palm centro because we have had spotty internet service since coming home yesterday. I hope tomorrow we’ll be back to normal. if only you could see me! i’m shaking my fists in frustration at TWC Roadrunner. BAH!!!


  1. Have you changed things a bit? It looks different to me somehow. Or is it that I haven’t been visiting enough? Probably the latter, huh?

  2. it’s been awhile since I last dropped by here. Don’t worry things will turn out just fine, readers would still keep comin’ back here.

  3. I hope everything is better today. I had issues with TWC all day yesterday but it never went out….lots of websites would never load and those that did were sllloooooowwww.

  4. I have the same internet and had issues with it yesterday. it would not open up a blog not even my own to save my life!! I reset everything and that gave it a kick to start working again!
    I hope yours comes back soon and I hope you have booze while waiting!

Talk to me!

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