The two most important men in my life are my Daddy and Nathan, my Husband.  (Monkey doesn’t count because he’s a Man in Training.  He’s the Most Important Boy)

I know that they will understand that today, Father’s Day, I am dedicating this post to a Father whose little girl is no longer in his arms, yet always in his heart; Mike Spohr

Thank you, Leslie, Dawn and VDog for the opportunity to offer tribute to an inspirational man, husband and father.


This is for you.

Sometimes, the best we can do is share a person’s experience and let them know we have their back. That while we may not how they feel, we recognize that there are days that are just going to suck beyond the telling of it.

So today we celebrate firsts. Just a very few of Maddie’s firsts from the Spohr family flickr photostream:

First time being held by daddy

First time being held by mommy

Chillin’ after the first bath

First Christmas

First Sunshine, First Car Ride

First nap when a totally embarrassing picture of Mike was taken

First Baseball Game

We celebrate all the joyous firsts with you, and stand guard over you for all the firsts to come.

The Women of Room 704

and Me.

Post authored by the phenomenal Women of Room 704


  1. Rachel, what a lovely tribute. XXOO And Happy Father’s Day to your hubby and dad.
    .-= Ree´s last blog ..Sharing Saturday Returns Again =-.

  2. You have one of the sweetest hearts of anyone I know.

    I’ve been thinking of Mike today too. Every day must be agony, but I’m sure today feels like a shot in the heart. 🙁

    Love ya, babe.
    .-= Scary Mommy´s last blog ..The Dads We Love =-.

  3. Thank you Rach!

    This was a wonderful idea and I get to be your father 24/7/365 so I think making the tribute to Mike was a great father’s present for me as well.

    Love Ya,

    GFT w/FW

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