What would you like to give kids a shot at?

More laughs?

More smiles?

More life?

More sleep?

More Peace?

More Health?

At the EVO Conference last week, that question was asked of every attendee who entered the Shot at Life suite.

This is what Lucrecer and I answered…

I was especially interested in visiting this suite as my friend, Kristen, is one of their ambassadors and she told Laurie and me all about it in the car on the way from the airport to the EVO hotel.

Every keynote at EVO this year was amazing and powerful and wonderful…


Devi ….


She knocked the feet out from under us.

When Devi Thomas spoke on Saturday morning and talked about moms in Sudan not crying when their babies died because they expected it… my heart splintered.

I want you to just stop and take that in.


in Sudan.

DO NOT CRY when their babies die


I don’t actually know how to follow that up.

I think I may have actually gasped, I know that I felt something inside me break.

I honestly think my brain stopped along with my heart, the tears in my eyes might have been the only part of me that moved.

I am so spoiled.


yes, that warrants all caps.

I do not know a world where a child of mine dying would be something that would not cause the very fabric of my world to rip apart.

There are mothers living in the same world as I, who do not cry because in their world, their child.. their baby… it is expected that they will not survive.

I simply do not know how to process that.

Devi has met these women, these women who expect their children to die.

Devi told her story, their stories with grace and eloquence and as her story progressed… the emotion took over.  Her voice became thick with passion, her voice quavered… yet she never stopped.

Devi had us laughing, crying and applauding.



Devi did something which caused both Asha and myself to stop breathing and actually question our own hearing.


Do you see that tagline?

Comments Count.

As bloggers, we know that comments are our currency, they are what give us hope, inspire us, keep us going, give us validation and so much more.

The people at Shot@Life are taking that concept and making it really count.

They have found some amazing sponsors and the concept they’ve created is quite simply…  breathtaking

Blogust is a 31-day “relay” of blog posts, one per day for the month of August, each post linking to the next in the relay. For each comment on any of the 31 posts, a $20 donation will be made to Shot@Life.


Throughout the month of August, $20 will be donated to Shot@Life for every comment made on each participating Blogust blog that day.

$20 is the cost to immunize a child with 4 essential life-saving vaccines.

Comments never mattered so much: $20 literally equals one child’s life.


How’s that for currency?


Your words have never meant so much.


I urge you, I implore you…

I am flat out begging you.

Go comment.

You have the ability to literally change lives, to change the world… with your words.

From your couch, your desk, your car, the beach…

Your words can save a life.

How could you not?



  1. What a beautiful post for a wonderful cause. It breaks my heart to read about a mother expected her child to die…I can’t quite comprehend that we’re living on the same planet. Thank you for this post and bringing up the awareness. I can’t wait to comment on the posts in August for this campaign.

    1. Amy,

      Her presentation blew me away and I actually added Blogust to my calender on my phone so that I can make an effort to comment every single day!

    1. Alison – it was SO good to see you, and to meet your daughter, too! Wish we’d had MORE time together.

      This is an amazing cause.

Talk to me!

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