I know, I know, totally unoriginal to do the obligatory round up/wrap up post. But it’s fun and I loved scrolling through the archives and reading back through the last year.

I’ve picked a post from each month that either I think is my best, is part of a favorite memory or just spoke to me.  I hope you’ll take a few minutes and re-visit 2008 with me before we leap into 2009.

January – Granny

February – The Squat and Wiggle

March – A Stranger’s Power

April –  Manic Mom Dash: Naked in Target

May – Mother’s Day or The Day The Vagina Nearly Wrecked the Car

June – Seven, I’ll Take Seventy

July – When Daddy Puts Monkey Down

August – Shades of A Memory

September – The Hidden Me

October – Notes From a Garage Sale

November – Happy Birthday Bebe

December – The Christmas Eve Story

I had planned on doing the year in pictures like her but before I got my new camera my picture organization was junk. So that’s something for 2009, picture organization.

So here is one of my favorite pictures of 2008.

It is one of my favorites because I think it embodies all that is Princess.  Reckless, powerful, trusting, exuberant and taking life head on with no reservations or insecurities.

Blessings, love, laughter, peace, health,happiness, joy, faith, friends, family and all your heart’s desires.

That is what I wish for you and yours for 2009.


  1. Whoa… I have been around for a year and remember all of those posts! I too am planning and better organizing my pics.

    Have a very Happy New Year girlfriend!

    OHmommy’s latest brilianceThe day he became a man

  2. You know what is great? That I too have been around for a year.. and I enjoyed every one of the highs, lows, yumminess and wonderful photos all year long.

    I cannot wait to see what 2009 brings for you Rachel.. You are an amazing Mom, Women, Friend, Daughter.. etc..

    Cheers to you and your family on a Happy New Year!!!

    Kim’s latest brilianceHappy New Year

  3. What a great photo and a great post liyst.

    Happy 2009!

    jerseygirl89’s latest brilianceYep, I’ll Definitely Take Staying Home With The Kids

  4. what a GREAT picture!

    Happy New Year and may you find much goodness in life in 2009 (including picture organization!! LOL)

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