IMG_0160 I sit here in my bed tonight, being lulled to sleep by the gentle rocking of the ship; thinking back over our day and I must admit, I’m kind of in awe.

We woke up this morning and had an amazing breakfast.. hot chocolate (for the kids), omelets, waffles, fruit, bacon, milk and juice and then we disembarked in Jamaica.

JAMAICA people!

I’m 32 and I’ve never been out of the country before, my kids are 6 and 4 and have now splashed in the crystal waters of Jamaica and have taken bathing suits full of gorgeous white sands back to the boat in their swimsuits 😉

They’ve walked small crowded streets and heard lilting accents, laughter and music of a different culture… they’ve seen poverty and beauty side by side.

We got back to the ship, showered and napped.  I have to tell y’all… I am not a napper by nature… yet, I slept like a baby.  There’s something about the constant slow rocking of the ocean and the sounds of the waves gently lapping at the side of the ship in an ice cold room while you’re curled up under heavy soft white covers surrounded by pillows and contentment.

We took the kids to see the Lady Hellevri Magic and Illusion Show.  She’s the Enchantress of the elements and I’ll tell y’all what…. my kids eyes were the size of saucers throughout the entire show.  The costumes were elaborate and sparkly and the dances and music, fascinating.

There were knives, fire, swords, acrobatics, air dancing… it was very Cirque’ish.

Monkey spent most of the show with his eyes wide open and his mouth in the shape of an O!

Princess kept saying: “awesome, cool, wow, awesome, amazing..” as she gasped and applauded and oooooh’d and aaaaaah’d

Then, after dinner… our amazing wait team (Ryan and Renato) surprised the kids by bringing the ship magician, Barman up to our table and he performed some magic at our table and even had our kids assist him.

Hearing Princess’ squeals and giggles as squishy balls magically appeared and multiplied in her hand.

Seeing Monkey’s pride and excitement as his spoon turned into a magic wand and he made squishy balls appear and multiply in his sister’s hand..

Their laughter, their joy, their wonder, the light in their eyes … magic, indeed.


  1. I’m soo happy for y’all and can’t wait to see all the amazing pictures, I know you have taken.

  2. It all sounds so amazing! What an awesome experience! Lucky ducks! Perfect timing too!!!!! Ur kiddos are the perfect ages for that! Safe travels!

  3. I’m really happy for you Rachel. I love that you are getting this opportunity. It sounds like you have the cruising bug and this won’t be your last great trip.

    Safe sailing 🙂

  4. aww how fun!!. I went to Jamaica when i was about 13,and it was awesome! hope ya’ll are having a blast,well i know you are haha.

  5. ??CANCUN?? Stop giving your age – I feel old, stop spoiling my grandkids and Oh yeah.. next summer…”MOM..I’m bored-I want to go on a cruise!”

  6. how fantastic that you’re able to do this for your family!!! and i’m so impressed that you’re blogging on vacation! LOL

  7. OHHHH! This sounds amazing! We went to Jamaica a few times when I was very little and the last time was when I was in the 10th grade. We went to Montego Bay…absolutely GORGEOUS and I love the music, culture, etc.

    So happy for you all. What an amazing trip to share with your family Rachel!

  8. So happy to read that you and your family are thoroughly enjoying your cruise and the stops you make along the way.

    Wonderful post.

  9. I KNOW exactly what you mean. My 3 year old who never sleeps through the night – slept every single night in her bed. That rocking to sleep is beautiful. So happy that you are having a ball. We just finally put up our videos and it brought back so many wonderful memories.

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