
That’s right. It’s a boobtastic giveaway. It’s all about the Bewbs, Ta Tas, the Rack, The Glamorous Mammaries, The Mam Twins, The Girls, The Lovelies, you know…

So as y’all may know I have those ads over there, you know… …..>>>> those. I don’t make much off them. A pittance every couple of months to be honest, but my goal for October is to get a check. A real check. A significant check. Every bit of which I will donate to breast cancer research. Nearly every one of us knows someone who has been affected by breast cancer, I want to make a difference, have my voice heard, help support the ta tas.

So here’s the deal. I appealed to a few friends and they have blessed me with their enthusiasm.

For the next few days, all the way to Friday, October 31st. I am going to run a contest/giveaway.
Here’s what is up for grabs:

* The adorable Anglophile Football Fanatic is offering the double whammy of a $15 Target Card and a $15 Starbucks card.

* The talented and lovely Lisa designs beautiful photo cards, invitations and announcements. She is offering 25 custom photo cards complete with envelopes and shipping from her amazing design site.

* I am throwing in a one year membership to the super fun and cool photo site Picnik

* The savviest of the savvy, Jamie is throwing in a super fun read, ‘Dirty Little Secrets From Otherwise Perfect Moms

* The extremely talented and sweet Karla
is tossing in the unbelievable prize of one set of custom designed Mommy Cards from her delightful design site.

* The truly precious and sweet Colleen is donating a $20 Target gift card, and you know we all love our Tar-jay πŸ™‚

* The one and only BurghBaby is donating a board book gift set that is perfect for Infants and Toddlers.

* Her royal highness, Qweenie, is donating two tickets to see the fantastic movie, The Women.

* The seamstress extraordinaire and Etsy darling, RockingPony is offering up any item from her Baby’s Nursery section of her Etsy Shop.

* The queen of the Cheap Seats, LaskiGal, has generously donated 2 delightfully relaxing baskets of bath goodies. Because she’s awesome like that!

* Fellow Texan Eternal Sunshine has tossed in a $10 gift card to Lands End!

* Super Cool Chick and Author Andrea Askowitz is offering a signed copy!! of her book My Miserable, Lonely, Lesbian Pregnancy to one lucky contest winner!

Aren’t these people wonderful!! Please stop in and thank them, give them a hand and tell them why you’re there.

Now, the nitty gritty.

Do you want to win one of these fabulous prizes? Leave me a comment on this post telling me which prize tickles your fancy.

Want two chances to win? Put the Get Felt Up button on your blog and leave me a comment telling me you did it.

Want three chances to win? Write a post about this contest on your blog and leave a comment telling me about it, complete with a link.

Here’s the super duper cool part. Every click you click, every link you write, every person that you tell about this that comes over here, means more money for breast cancer research. More people who are reminded of just how important it is that we find a cure for this disease.

I am not in possession of most of these prizes. Once Princess and Monkey help me to determine the winners, I will put each winner in contact with the prize donor, or vice versa, and it will go from there.

This is also listed at The Bloggy Giveaway Carnival homepage

Don’t forget, all of October’s Ad Revenue is going towards Breast Cancer Research because Racks Rock. So come back and click click!



  1. Lisa’s photo cards because Lisa’s photos are, like, totally awesome. I’m sorry. I don’t know where that came from. There’s this teensy little bit of inner Valley Girl that creeps out from some dark closet in my mind once in a while after watching 80s movies or old music videos on YouTube. Gotta go stuff her back in where she belongs. Because she frightens me.

    Neat idea, btw. I’ll go check out those ads.

  2. This is AWESOME! I like either Lisa or Karla’s prizes – the designy stuff. But I’d take any of it of course. Everything looks wonderful!

    I linked to you last week and I hope it helped. I’ll try to put up a post tomorrow.

  3. Alrighty Rachel…we are linked baby πŸ˜‰

    And I’m not entering since I’m giving LOL But I have a little something over at the site for ya’. Everyone wants to save the ta-ta’s.

  4. Starbucks, Target, Photo Cards!! WOOOOOW!! And I have your Felt Up button on my blog…all month I have had it! πŸ™‚

  5. What a great idea! Good luck πŸ™‚

    I’d fancy the one year membership to Picnik! I was just looking at the premium features last night while editing some shots…

  6. Posted both the Ta-ta and felt up , it is fantastic that you are doing this, I would love to win the Starbucks/Target gift cards!

  7. I’m just here to support the cause – good on you from Australia for the fantastic work you are doing here!

  8. Ooohhhh…I’m such a Tar-jay addict! I’d love a Target gift card.

    *Clicking over to Targets site to think about the possibilites.*

  9. hey rachel!
    i want to enter! i’d love the target gift cards – our target was damaged by the hurricane and is out of commission until december. i can’t wait!!! but…i also really love the cocoa kitty chenille blanket in The Rocking Pony etsy shop!
    Take care!!!!

  10. This is an awesome thing! Nothing better than Target and Starbucks! Put a button on my site, hope it helps out a little!

  11. What a great way to raise money for such an important cause!
    I would love the Target gift card, or the dirty secrets mom book.

  12. This is SUCH a great idea. I put up the button, wrote about it, and linked and I hope everyone stops by.

    On the off chance that I also win (!), I’m going for the double whammy. How can I turn down Target and Starbucks? I live in the suburbs for goodness sakes.

  13. Thanks for doing this. I put the Get Felt Up button on my blog and I blogged about your contest. Here’s my link:

    Also, I’d love to give away a signed copy of my book, My Miserable, Lonely, Lesbian Pregnancy. It’s a perfect boob-saving prize. Yep, I think it is.

    Oh, I’d like to win the photo cards.


  14. I’d lvoe to read the Dirty Little Secrets book or a Gift Card to Target, Starbucks or LAnd’s End. So many choices!

    efuson_2000 at yahoo dot com

  15. You are so awesome!!! I put an announcement up on my site.

    If Monkey or Princess pick me, throw me back in and pick another.

    I’m just a giver this time around (and lovin’ it!).

    Just put my prize together and I went OVERBOARD!!! Just doin’ my thing to help the economy!

  16. Target is my place. I hope this increases your stats for the fight for breast cancer. My mom is a survivor!

  17. ‘Dirty Little Secrets From Otherwise Perfect Moms’ and
    ‘My Miserable, Lonely, Lesbian Pregnancy’ both sound like they’d be great books to read, I’d love to be entered for any of the products though! Thank you!

  18. I would love to win the Apples and Pears Back Pocket Diaper Case from RockingPonyBaby’s Nursery section of her Etsy Shop.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. The Target and Starbucks cards are always high on my list but the board games sounds fun and so do the movie tickets..uggg..too many choices – just like in the cereal aisle πŸ™‚

    Wendy at Shopping Gems

  20. I’m gonna go for the Target giftcard even though I want the double whammie. But it sounds like lots of folks are going for that one, so I am going to go for the one with better chances! lol!

  21. I would love to win the item from RockingPony – I would choose the Modern Baby Chenille Blanket, my son’s a blankie cuddler. All the prizes are amazing though! I would love to be entered if I’m eligible (I’m from Canada), thank you!

  22. I have your button on my site – good luck with the clicks, it’s such a great cause!

  23. I have been wanting to see this movie so bad, so please enter me in this one: Her royal highness, Qweenie, is donating two tickets to see the fantastic movie, The Women.

  24. I would love to win the wonderful bath goodies from Laskigirl! Please count me in for that one. I think what you are doing is great, so now I’m off to click, click, click!

    zarache AT aol DOT com

  25. What a neat way to do a giveway!!! I’d love to be entered for the $15 Target and $15 SBux cards. Thanks for the chance to win!!
    give_me_a_latte at yahoo

  26. I would love the Target gift card (who wouldn’t?) or My Miserable, Lonely Lesbian Pregnancy. I have an online friend who is newly pregnant with her partner, and would love to give this to her. And that it’s signed? Even better!
    Great giveaway!

  27. I would love something from Rocking pony’s baby nursery etsy shop! With my baby girl due in Feb I would love to have some new baby stuff!

  28. How generous you and your friends are-and such a wonderful cause! I would choose the book My Miserable Lonely Lesbian Pregnancy.

    smchester at gmail dot com

  29. I would so love either of the Target gift certificates! Actually ANY of the prizes would be put to great use here at home, so I am not picky in the least (the only reason I chose target g.c.s is because of 3 kids and the upcoming Christmas Season! they could use them to buy each others christmas gifts!)
    Thank you so very much for the chance to win! Ok I am off to check out some of those blogs! thanks again!

  30. I’d love the bath goodies! But, honestly, they all are wonderful prizes. Thanks for the giveaway!

  31. Ooo….I want AFF’s cards.

    I put up the button up AGES ago…and did a blog post about the button. We good?

  32. It is so hard to pick one to win. They are all great prizes. I think I would have to choose the Rocking Pony Item of choice so that I could choose something for our new baby boy. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  33. target ans starbucks or just target.

    really, i would be happy with about anything.

    i really think it’s great that you are taking this chance to do some good and raise money for breast cancer research.

  34. I would choose the starbucks card… or maybe the photo cards or infant books…

    gitrecca (at) gmail (dot) com

  35. I would love the Target and Starbucks! Some Dollar Spot stocking stuffers for the kids and then a relaxing treat for DH and me!
    Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
    proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

  36. I would love to be entered for the bath goodies!

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

    kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  37. i would love to get burghbaby’s board book set for my little girl!
    thanks for the giveaway!

  38. Tarjay would be my first choice, but they are all awesome! I’d love to win any of them!
    Thanks for such a fun giveaway!

  39. the first one, w/ the tarjay and starbucks, or the gift baskets are tickling my fancy too … do we really have to choose?


  40. I would like to win the Anglophile Football Fanatics Target and STarbucks gift cards…I think I could really put those to use in the upcoming holiday season. I would love to be entered.

    owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net

  41. I’d be happy to win any of these great prizes, but if I have to choose it would be the prize from RockingPony.

  42. My first pick would likely be the Target/Starbucks gift cards. If you offer a second or subsequent pick, I would be interested in the $20 gift card to Target, offered by Colleen, and then the set of board books.

    Thanks so much for the giveaway.

    michelle at northofthe49 dot com

  43. i wuld like the Target/Starbucks gift cards or the bath basket! This is a great one! Thanks for the chance to win πŸ™‚

  44. I would love the Target and Starbucks cards. Put I’m not picky I would take any of the prizes.

    The button is on my blog.

    livlifelov at yahoo dot com

  45. I’d like to see The Women. And a gift card to Target would never be bad! πŸ˜‰
    teacherkrista at gmail dot com

  46. * The adorable Anglophile Football Fanatic is offering the double whammy of a $15 Target Card and a $15 Starbucks card. Woohoo!!!

  47. I’d like Laskigal’s basket of bath goodies. I sent emails to my mom and four of my girlfriends telling them to come over here. I’m all about raising money for breast cancer research and for finding a cure. Each and every one of us will likely be affected by this in one way, shape or form at some point in our lives. Thanks for what you are doing.

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