Cookies for sharing
great grandpa and great grandson
precious spring moment

family treasures
not measurable by banks
captured by Canon

A moment in time
one he won’t remember now
a picture we’ll show

a story we’ll tell
about cookies with Pa Pa
when he was just One.

For better Haikus and to join in the fun, go Here


  1. So sweet.
    Have you seen the Veggie Tales
    “Sumo of the Opera”?
    There are some really funny “Haiku”
    lines. Love those veggies.
    Have a Great weekend.
    Pax, EJT

  2. Okay.. first your post to your dad for his birthday and now this ku.. are you trying to make me bawl at work.. 🙂

    Great ku!

  3. Wow, perfect ‘ku in every way, and so sweet and touching, too. Really, I just loved this, and it might be one of my favorite ones ever, especially with the picture.

  4. Priceless and such a keepsake for Monkey!

    Coming south in June. Maybe we can find a way to meet up!

  5. so sweet. I dont know about you but I love seeing my dad with the boys. It’s endearing.

  6. This post made me miss my own pop-pop, and be so thankful that my son has my dad. Lovely!

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