Chick Downtown - Pink Mist Scarf Tolani Scarf from Chick Downtown

Isn’t that scarf gorgeous?

This amazing scarf has a beautiful rich texture and vibrant color  that combine to create immediate impact, with a beautifully hand woven effect in shades of fresh pink on navy and white. 100% Viscose. 9″X72″ size, finished with hand-knotted fringe at ends. (from the website)

When I sent out the tweets about Blogging For Boobs and wanting to raise both money and awareness I got an immediate tweet from the adorable Pamela aka @VampireSmitten wanting to know how she could help.

I swear within 5 minutes she had this scarf in my inbox.

Pamela, thank you.

So here we have it.  Our first Blogging For Boobs Giveaway.

The rules are simple:

First entry:  Leave a Comment telling me how Breast Cancer has touched your life, or what you’re doing to fight for the cure

Bonus Entry: Donate to the Susan G Komen foundation using the Blogging For Boobs link using that link allows me to verify this entry and the donation.  Leave a comment saying you donated.

This Giveaway runs from Saturday, Oct 3rd, 2009 to 11:59PM CST Monday, Oct 5th.  Random.Org will be used to select a winner.

This Giveaway is closed!

RANDOM.ORG BC scarf winner

congratulations to Sarah for winning this amazing, beautiful scarf from Chick Downtown


  1. That scarf is seriously gorgeous!

    My stepmother had a mastectomy 15 years ago. She was cancer free up until about 3 years ago when they found a benign tumor in her stomach. It was removed and they are keeping a close eye on her for any recurrence. Her sister had a mastectomy 2 years ago. Her daughters are all keeping a close eye on themselves since the family history is so strong.
    .-= Michelle Smiles´s last blog ..Old School – sort of =-.

  2. My wonderful great grandmother lost a breast to cancer – and now, every year, I run a contest too – where my commenters make me donate.
    .-= Ree´s last blog ..Sharing Saturday – the pink edition =-.

  3. Luckily for me no one in my family has had breast cancer, but I know many people who have had it. When those women were struggling I would bake them goodies, and my mother would cook them dinner. We would go over and try and make them feel good. I hope that one day we can find a cure for this horrible disease.

  4. My grandma died at the age of 40 from breast cancer. She died when my Dad was 8 years old. I have an early detection ribbon magnet on my car and I preach about routine mammos every opportunity I can, as I am a nurse.
    .-= debbielynne´s last blog ..Yard Sale Scores! =-.

  5. oh wow how it has touched my life. My Grandma, Mother and 2 aunts are all survivors of this cancer.

    Rachael, I commend you that you are taking this stand on your blog. It’s such a worth fight to fight!

    I would love this scarf, although I would give it to my mom. I just looks like it belongs around her neck. (and on top of her new fake boobs) 🙂
    .-= DesignHER Momma´s last blog ..Godda Dollar? =-.

  6. I have had too many friends affected by this terrible disease. I want it stopped before any more of my dear loved ones succumb to it!

    Two of my very close friends have had preventative double mastectomies because they carried the gene that make them suseptible to breast cancer. Another very close friend has been fighting it for 14 years. Yes, FOURTEEN. YEARS. She is in a new drug regimen that we are hoping will finally work. I have learned more from her in being strong in the face of adversity than anyone else in my life.

    I agree with “planet of janet” above – – breast cancer SUCKS. It has to be stopped.
    .-= Liz J in Central Illinois´s last blog ..Fun Times =-.

  7. I have a grandmother who this past year and a half had gone through chemotherapy after finding out she had breast cancer. She had to have a mastectomy. The after effect of the chemo really took its toll on her. She’s always forgetting where she’s put her things or often repeats the same question minutes after asking the first time.

    I think the most important thing I have learned is that you can’t let yourself go. People, more importantly, women often forget to prioritize themselves. We don’t give ourselves enough alone time.

  8. I haven’t been personally touched by this horrific disease, but I know so many that have. 🙁
    .-= Secret Agent Mama´s last blog ..Weekly Winners {Asheville Photowalk Edition} =-.

  9. Both my lovely grandmothers had breast cancer. Both had mastectomies. One grandmother also battled other cancers and passed away a few years ago. But my remaining grandmother is still alive and kicking at 89 years old. She has always been an inspiration to me, but is so more than ever now. After surviving her bout with breast cancer, she lost her firstborn son (my uncle) to liver cancer only two months after his diagnosis.

    I teach at a university, and one of my former students is a survivor.

    This insidious family of diseases knows no boundaries. It must be stopped.
    .-= indywriter´s last blog ..Anyone got a bar of soap handy? =-.

  10. My mother died at age 32 of complications due to Breast Cancer. I was 6.

    Starting at age 15, I have done monthly exams each month, and I have had multiple mammograms. I am trying to do what I can to keep from/catch early this disease so I can be here, for my kids, for a really long time.

  11. One of my aunts is a Breast Cancer survivor… it’s a subject very close to my heart!

    What I’m doing is working with in their fight against Breast Cancer… every purchase made from their BCA page donates $1 to the Denver Susan G. Komen Foundation!

    .-= Jaime´s last blog ..Denim Brand Review: DL1961 =-.

  12. Breast Cancer awareness has always been close to my heart. I have always walked in my local RFTC.

    My grandmother battled breast cancer in the mid 1980s and decided at the time to have a mastectomy. She survived and was always an advocate of awareness until a different cancer took her life in the late 1990s.

    Also, the past few years I watched my brother’s and his fiance help her mom battle this disease. She had beat it once before but unfortunately a year and half ago it won. She will always be remembered for the wonderful mother and friend that she is.

    I have a pink ribbon hanging in my car in memory of both of these great women. It reminds me everyday of the fight to find a cure. It also reminds me to always have my checkup and encourage my friends to do the same.

  13. This past June, I joined a woman I met on TWITTER (of all places, right?) and her friend, a breast cancer survivor and walked 40 miles in two days in the name of raising money for breast cancer research and treatment for those affected by breast cancer. Between us we raised over $5K for Avon’s Walk, and it was an amazing and truly eye opening experience that I plan to repeat next year.
    .-= Sarah´s last blog ..On Weddings and Miracles =-.

  14. Well, as you know my SIL has breast cancer. It has completely changed my view on the disease. I myself am doing self checks now and have scheduled a mammogram for myself. She thankfully came through surgery today just fine. They believe they got all of the cancer. However her fight is not over, she still has radiation to go through and quite possibly additional chemo if there are any cells left.

    I cannot tell you how much it means to me that someone whom I consider a friend is doing so much for this cause. I know you have your own reasons but it means a lot to me as I am watching the fight my SIL is going through currently.

    Her strength through this has been a huge inspiration to me.
    .-= Kelli´s last blog ..Blogging for Boobs – Day 2 =-.

  15. I know your contest is closed but I just wanted to share anyways. See, Cancer has affected my family since before I was born. At first it was my maternal grandmother whom I am told died of Cancer of the female organs. I’m told that they don’t know where it started only that by the time they found it it was everywhere. I never met her. My maternal great-aunt died of her second battle with Breast Cancer. My mother was diagnosed with stage 2 Breast Cancer months before I was to ship out to S. Korea and I almost didn’t go. I only went b/c she told me too and if I hadn’t I wouldn’t have met my husband there nor had my two beautiful babies with him. I still felt bad about going but I did go to all but one chemo treatment with her and I only missed one due to being on a flight overseas. She had a modified radical mastectomy (I think that’s what it was called) and while she lost one boob she has been in Cancer free for 9, almost 10yrs. Thank God for that. My paternal grandmother had Breast Cancer as well but has been Cancer free for almost 5yrs now too and so while there’s been losses there’s also been wins and I can’t help but be grateful for it all b/c it’s made me who I am. It’s made me into someone who was able to have multiple cases of Breast Cancer within my family; it’s made me into someone who had a family member have Brain Cancer, hip problems due to the steroids that this person had to be on, and possibly Thyroid Cancer – we’ll know soon what, if anything, is going on with that. I’m not sure why I say all this other than at times it’s cathartic, is that the right word?, to say out loud or type out loud and sometimes it’s not. If I had to say what Cancer has done for me or to me that’s what I’d say and hope it answered the question.

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