Happy Wednesday, y’all!!

You may recall that I mentioned my participation in the Reynolds Real Moms Challenge in Monday’s post...

Well – it’s Wednesday, and that means it’s Tips and Recipe and VOTING day!

I’d love it if y’all would go over to the Reynolds FB page – LIKE their page and then vote for me (or whomever your favorite is!  I’m in some excellent company!)

Five of the Ten (there’s actually 11 but Whitney and Ashley are counted as 1) will become Reynolds Real Moms Ambassadors for the year! This is a phenomenal opportunity and I’d really love y’all’s support and votes!

While we were in Chicago last month, we got to go to a house and each of us was given the opportunity to record 3 video recipe/tips and over the next few weeks Reynolds will be posting them on their YouTube page.  It was an absolute blast!

There were scripts and a real video production crew, makeup artists and stylists.. it was so much fun!  I’d definitely like the opportunity to do it again!

You can watch my first Reynolds Video on YouTube or watch it embedded here 🙂

Please, Please hop over to the Reynolds FB page and Like them and vote for me :-)***

Thanks, y’all!

**** the voting app only works on laptops or desktops – it won’t work on any mobile devices, sorry.  Voting is only open on Wednesdays 🙂


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