Monkey was SO excited for his First Day of KINDERGARTEN!


He’s been ready for HIS first day of kindergarten since Princess’ First Day of Kindergarten!

He strode into school full of confidence, swinging his lunchbox beside him and sporting his matching big boy backpack.  He marched into his classroom, gave his teacher a hug, put his stuff where it went and sat right down at his table and started playing with play-dough.

I had to request a hug and a kiss goodbye.


I couldn’t wait to pick them up and hear all about their first day of school.

One of my favorite parts of the after school process is asking my kids what their favorite part of the day was…

Monkey’s response was so completely him:

“EVERYTHING, especially P.E!  They make it so fun, mom!”

At 6:45 that night,  Nathan and I went into his room to check on him…

This is what we found:


How has Back To School gone in y’all’s houses?


I wrote about my love for teachers and the First Day of School over on my Babble Voices Blog: Southern Hospitality – I’d love for y’all to go over there and read it and share y’all’s Back To School Memories.


  1. Hold onto those moments. They are so fleeting. It seems like yesterday that my kids headed off to kindergarten. In reality, it was over 40 years ago.

  2. Happy to hear that his first day went so well. Such a cute picture. I know you don’t need to be told but keep taking lots of photos. They’ll both be in high school then out the door to their futures before you can get everything from their school days into scrapbooks to give to them:)

  3. That is a great picture! You’ll have to scrapbook that! Very good start to the school year!
    Mine went well too, but my son started high school .. yoy .. so complicated … it’s going well though.

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