I’m really, really, really excited to share this news with y’all!!!!

I have been keeping something from  y’all.

Something pretty awesome.


I. Am. In. A. Cookbook.


And not just ANY cookbook, I am in an amazing cookbook that gives back But the best part about this book is that all the proceeds, every last little bit, goes to the Red Cross.

After literally MONTHS of creating, the “50+ Top Blogs All Time Favorite Recipes” cookbook is HERE!!!

You may have seen a sneak peek of this gorgeous recipe book this past month. We hope you have been anxiously awaiting it. 🙂 Now, until the end of August, it’s available for purchase. But wait, scratch that, it’s not a purchase. The best part is…

it’s a donation!

100% of your donation will go to the American Red Cross to help the many people who have been affected by recent natural disasters around the world.

After seeing the devastation in Japan, several top blogs teamed up wanting to somehow make a difference.

This cookbook, is the result.

More than 50 blogs donated one of their favorite recipes to be compiled into an incredible cookbook designed by chickabug (design talent was 100% donated as well).

Basically a lot of people worked really hard to make something extraordinary. Now, it’s in your hands to make a difference.

This one-of-a-kind cookbook was originally only going to be offered as an E-book for a $10 donation.


But after receiving feedback from readers, we realized that many of you want a physical copy. We approached our favorite publisher, Paper Coterie, who has GENEROUSLY  donated 100% of the supplies, and 100% of the cost of printing for this amazing cause.

Are you feeling the warm tinglies yet?! We are!!!  This started out as one person having an idea. Now over 50 blogs and an amazing publisher are involved and now it’s YOUR turn.

Together we can will make a difference.

The E-book is for sale here for a $1o donation. If you have a computer in your kitchen or an electronic reader, (ipad, kindle,etc.) this is the copy for you. You can just click on the recipe you want from the table of contents and it will take you right there. It’s sweet.

The hard cover cookbook is also available, (wait for it…) for only $10. (plus shipping)


You will be amazed at the quality of this book.  And you know, since this cookbook is composed of recipes from 50 of your favorite bloggers, you know it’s going to be filled with delicious, amazing, recipes and gorgeous pictures.

The only extra expense you will have will be for shipping ($4 or more depending on where you live and how many copies you order).

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You can smile knowing you made a difference to someone, somewhere. And you can smile because you will have a beautiful full color recipe book with gorgeous pictures and delicious recipes to try. We truly hope you love the cookbook. We think you will. You might just want to buy one for your mom, sister, and mother-in-law for Christmas. 😉

Please share this post with your friends and family on your blog, facebook, and twitter. Let’s make this go VIRAL! How cool would that be?

Here is a button to put on your blog:

and the link:


Remember 100% of the proceeds will be benefiting the American Red Cross.

*The American Red Cross name is used with its permission, which in no way constitutes an endorsement, express or implied, of any product, service, company, individual or political position. For more information about the American Red Cross, please call 1-800-HELP NOW or email info@usa.redcross.org.

I have a recipe in this book and I am buying a few copies of it!!


  1. How fabulous is this? And you? Seeing things like this make me immensely proud to be part of a community that has heart and offers help

    1. Niri <3 and yes, that exactly. Between being a part of this, seeing how our community has come together for The Spohrs, Jennifer Perillo and so many more.. there are few things more amazing than the heart, power and passion of our community. <3 you xoxo

  2. Love this! Great idea, and what generosity of spirit from all those involved. I’m heading over to pick one up. But tree killer me is going to insist on a paper copy…

    (So glad I went back to re-read this. Autocorrect almost had me “lick”-ing up a copy, which, while applicable, seems a bit inappropriate!!)

  3. What an awesome outreach! Congratulations to you and all of your blogger buds. I am excited and will head that direction. Thank you also for the hard copy ones too!

  4. Congrats on the BOOK!! and love that it’s for a charity!! I’m having a giveaway on my blog and am added this to the giveaway!! Loved meeting you in the MMchallenge and always glad to help a fellow Texan. I am orignally from Aransas Pass, so I have spent hundreds of hours working/teaching in Corpus!

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