39 years ago.

January 27, 1976.

 nathan baby picture

God started your story, which has become our story.

You chose me, and even thought I fought it at first – our love story was, is, my destiny.

From late nights on the phone, swimming, Joe’s Crab Shack, long distances, and pagers…

Our love story is my favorite.

Rachel and Nathan


Sept 30 2006 010

Every one of my accomplishments, is because you stand beside me cheering me on, supporting me and encouraging me.
You have given me a life full of blessings and love and compassion and beauty, and I am blessed.

Nathan, your compassion for others humbles me.
Your love and passion for our children brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.
The fire in your eyes when you look at still me makes me all giggly and tingly.
When you say I love you and kiss me, the outside world ceases to exist.

You are my husband, my best friend, my lover, my partner, my strength.

I love you more today than yesterday, and tomorrow I’ll love you even more.

Happy 39th birthday – here’s to 39 more birthdays – side by side.

Always and forever,







  1. So precious. Love stories are amazing and should be told more than divorce and “bad” relationship stories to give everyone hope. I feel the same way about my husband and not every day is easy but God blessed me and I am thankful. So happy you shared.

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