30 days of Handmade Holiday Gifts from your Kitchen.

30 delicious recipes, tutorials and ideas to give gifts from the heart, and home.

From Homemade Biscotti to Mexican Hot Chocolate to Candied Pecans and Spiced Rum Cakes with Apple Cider Caramel Glaze.

holiday biscotti

There are two weeks left until Christmas, and if you’re anything like me; your baking cabinet is overflowing, your fridge is stocked, and you’re itching to get in the kitchen, get cooking, and make some yummy treats to share with friends, loved ones, neighbors, teachers, and more.

Search no more – here are OVER 30 (if you go back over the years there are more then 100 food gift ideas and if you check out Cindy and Kelly’s blogs – you’ll get more than 100 Craft and Sewing gift ideas, too!)

handmade holidays

There are some truly amazing recipes up there.  I promise that anyone who receives any one of those gifts will be your friend for life, they may even show up at your door with brand new Tupperware, just in case 🙂

Thank you to everyone who contributed, everyone who has supported and shared and made the deliciousness over the past 4 years!  It truly is the thought that counts and the gifts from your heart count the most.




  1. I love handmade dishes and sweets that are made by my mom hands at our home. My mom make sweets and various dishes on my birthday and invites all my friends and all relatives to my birthday party. I want my birthday will come twice a year so that I will get sweets made by my moms hands twice a year. Thanks for sharing this post with us….

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