It’s official, the 3rd annual #BakeCraftSewAlong is over and between us – Kelly and Cindy and I have nearly 90 homemade holiday gift ideas and inspirations for y’all.

Here on A Southern Fairytale, I have had the blessing of hosting 28 amazing guest bloggers who’ve shared 28 Kitchen inspired gifts, and I can tell y’all that with each and every new email that arrived into my inbox from these amazing guest posters, I was more and more inspired to get in my kitchen and make, bake, pack and share.

Because I’m super nice, and I don’t want y’all to miss out on a single yummy, I know how crazy this time of year is, and because I enjoy driving myself crazy with links….

I’ve created a post wherein all 28 links to all 28 recipes lie….

Here are the 28 Kitchen Inspired Gifts from my amazingly wonderful guest posters!

pssst… there’s a possibility that I’m really in the holiday mood and the kitchen inspired giveaway of my favorite food photography/baking books and goodies from my favorite baking shoppe has been extended until Wednesday…. but you’ll have to visit the guest posters to find out 🙂


  1. Everyone who participated in this did a super job and there is certainly no shortage of beautiful and delicious gift ideas 🙂 Many thanks to all.

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