Hey y’all!  It’s Friday, and it’s National Margarita Day!

Y’all should celebrate with one of these Cranberry Orange Margaritas

Cranberry Orange Margaritas


While you’re enjoying your Margarita, how about y’all take a couple of minutes and fill out this Reader Survey I created? 🙂

I was inspired by Cheryl, TidyMom.  She recently did a reader survey and I realized that although I’ve been blogging here for 5 years, I’ve never done one!

I read all your comments and respond to them as best I can, and I love hearing your thoughts, experiences, opinions and ideas – so I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to do a little survey to learn a little more about y’all and what y’all think!

The survey is short and quick, and I left spaces for comments so you can elaborate on your opinions, if you want!

If you can’t see the embedded survey below, click here to take you to the survey

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world’s leading questionnaire tool.

As a thank you for your time and being a wonderful reader – if you fill out the survey  you’ll be entered to win a $25 Gift Card to Amazon or iTunes. (I will use rafflecopter to choose the winner)

I won’t share your information with anyone and I’ll only use the information gathered in the survey to better understand y’all and make A Southern Fairytale the best it can be 😉

Thank y’all so much for following along on this crazy wonderful journey that’s my life 🙂


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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