
I can’t believe 4 weeks have gone by already – 4 weeks – 4 secret ingredients and 4 recipes with 7 ingredients or less in under 30 minutes!


Week One Ingredient:  Egg Beater’s    Recipe:  Individual Spinach and Mushroom Frittattas

  • The verdict:  Super Yummy – especially with extra hot sauce for the adults!

Week Two Ingredient:  Hebrew National Franks:  Recipe:  Hot Dog Pizza-Dillas

  • The verdict:  Must make these again!  so good and so easy!

Week Three Ingredient:  Peter Pan Peanut Butter   Recipe:  Peanut Butter Stuffed French Toast

  • The verdict:  Even the picky eaters loved these! WIN!

Week Four Ingredient:  Chef Boyardee   Recipe:  Spaghetti and Meatball Stuffed Garlic Bread

  • The verdict:  The house smelled amazing and this was the favorite recipe from all 3 years!


Thank y’all for the support and encouragement – y’all are wonderful! 

You still have a few days left to vote, so if you’re feeling so inclined… Go to the HEB Meal Maker Challenge Microsite and vote on your favorite recipe!

Remember, each time you vote you’re entered to win a $1000 HEB gift card!


This Giveaway is now closed!  Congratulations to our winners!

Now for the other good stuff for y’all 🙂

HEB and ConAgra have put together a gift bag filled with goodies valuing at $50 and I have 3 of those to give away to y’all!


Each Gift Bag Includes:

  • H-E-B Silicon trivet/pot holder
  • ConAgra Apron and Oven Mitt
  • Peter Pan Peanut Butter
  • Orville Redenbacher’s Popcorn
  • Chef Boyardee
  • RO*TEL Mild Sauce
  • Hunt’s Diced Tomatoes
  • Snack Pack
  • Wolf Chili


Want to win one of the 3 Gift Bags?

It’s super simple – here’s how:

This Giveaway is now closed and the winners have been announced – stay tuned for more chances to win other wonderful prizes!

Each entry must be left in a separate comment:  Please make sure there’s a valid email address attached to your comment.

Mandatory Entry – this entry must be completed to be eligible to win one of the HEB/ConAgra Gift Bags

  • Tell Me: Which of the 4 weekly ingredients do you find the most challenging?   What would you like to create with it?

Bonus Entries:

  • Vote for an HEB – Meal Maker Recipe and get entered to win a $1000 HEB Gift Card (doesn’t have to be mine – just show some love to someone)  Let me know in a comment that you voted – no, you don’t have to say who you voted for.
  • What’s your biggest dinner challenge during the hectic back to school time?

That’s it – Told y’all – simple and easy.  Each of you has 3 possible entries to win one of 3 $50 HEB/ConAgra Gift Bags

Giveaway open from 8/29/2012 to 9/4/2012.


I’m a compensated participant in HEB and ConAgra Foods Meal Maker Challenge.  The recipes and opinions are 100% my own, as is my hope that you’ll vote for my recipes daily so that I can participate in a live cook-off at a Texas H-E-B store in an effort to win a $1000 H-E-B gift card.


  1. Oh I wanted to win this…
    I love that spaghetti stuffed garlic bread.
    I’ve never heard of this, this seemed really good.

  2. None are really that hard but the franks would be hard for me for a recipe. I don’t know what I would make

  3. My challenge meal would be the Chef Boyardee. I’d never have thought to do anything other than heat & eat!

  4. My biggest dinner challenge is actually sitting down and eating a meal. I’m so busy and when I get home I don’t want to cook, so I just grab whatever.

  5. I would have to say the spaghetti stuffed garlic bread…looks amazing, but then again, all your recipes do!

  6. My biggest challenge: Trying to take the time to plan for healthy meals on a budget with our crazy schedule plus two toddlers!

  7. I think that the hot dogs that you did would be hard because there are limited things I would be able to think of. Thanks for the chance to enter.

    1. Hi Andrea!

      Congratulations, you’re one of the HEB – ConAgra meal maker goodie bag winners!

      Email me with your information so we can get it right out to you!

  8. My biggest challenge is making sure I have enough time to get dinner done after school but before meetings. Thanks for the chance to enter.

  9. The spaghetti seemed the hardest… Spaghetti from a can doesn’t. Sound appetizing to me, but I think I’m going to try your recipe… It sounds delish! I don’t know what I woul have done with it…mixed it in with pasta and cheese for a baked pasta? Yours sounds way better.:)

  10. I’m a teacher, and this week I’ve been just plain EXHAUSTED when I get home. I’m starving, too, so I want something quick, but satisfying. After a day spent with 20 8 year olds, I need something yummy!:)

  11. I think the most challenging for me would be the Chef Boyardee! I would make a baked spaghetti with lots of ooey, gooey cheese on top!

  12. My biggest challenge about cooking during the school week is coming up with different dishes that doesn’t contain chicken! My daughter is a picky eater and she loves chicken. She does get tired of it at times. She love Chef Boyardee so this recipe would be great!

  13. for me it would be the Chef Boyardee… I would probably attempt some sort of casserole using it, but not sure… I’d have to think about it.

  14. my biggest dinner challenge is time wise… finding the time to make a healthy nutritious meal for the family when I get home from work exhausted myself around 5 everyday..

  15. Holy cow. My biggest challenge would have been Chef Boyardee. It is amazing how you did it and it looks so yummy. I would most likely add vegetables (like red and yellow peppers), add cheese and bake into a casserole. Boring probably, but I am not you! LOL

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